Well, today was interesting. I got up this morning about 8:00 and was ready by 9:40. Then, Mum and I went to the cardiologist for an appointment. My heart lately has been raising mostly for no known reason so we wanted to check it out. The doc thinks that I have been drinking too much coffee, and not eating enough salty foods or drinking enough water. That checks out.
I soon returned home and squashed lunch into a half hour time frame. Then I had to leave once again for tutoring. I got home at 3 something and finished some chores and fun, happy stuff like that.
I got to ride yesterday. But I can't ride for most of the month cuz Mrs.Love will be gone to places like Italy, Florida, and the Bahamas. I wish I could go with her. *lol* Karen (old barn manager) will be house sitting so I'll get to see her.
Oh, and I'm babysitting tonight so I'll have some moola in my empty wallet! I like that....a lot.
-Hanna Liz