Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Sweet 16th, Tigger!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Sweet 16th, Tigger!!!!!
Hey, you awesome, funny, totally hiper girl!
You are almost a legal driver! Everybody off the road! *lol*
Tigger, we have had some fun times together and I am sssooo thankful for them all. No matter what the odds, lifting tables into sinks or crashing four wheelers into trees, you have managed to serve the people around you with diligence and a good sense of humor!
Thank you for being my friend, Tigger-darling!
- Piglet

Saturday, April 18, 2009

~First Look At The Green World~

And yet, more pig stories! *lol*
So today was another big day for for both Gilbert (whom I have finally chosen a middle name for: Blythe), and Snuggles. Well, the highs where in the seventies so we decided to take them out for their fist look at the green world. Once we brought out the top of their cage and got 'em under it, they discovered the wonderful delight of grazing! I loved to watch Gilbert; he was like a teeny, little horse! He chewed in one spot and then moved to another. It was adorable! They where also stuffed with lettuce, carrots, apple, and a couple daisies which they enjoyed. I then stuck them in Max's cage while I cleaned out their own cage. They are now resting from all the excitement....and getting ready for more tomorrow when Snuggles celebrates his first birthday! Gilbert is the fourteenth of next month. I'll post the pics tomorrow!

- Hanna Y

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

~A Guinea Pig Story~

Hello, blog readers!
The Kerrys are supposed to be here any time this morning. I'm so excited! The came all the way from Montana to visit family and friends, which also includes us! They called me for my birthday on Friday (btw-thank you for the calls and birthday posts, all of them where greatly appreciated!) from PA. Brennen is bring some of his medieval books that I am dying to get so I can makes notes and stuff about armor and swords for Aradon. Lele and I can't wait to show off the pigs to them! I have a story about them, so bear with me. Anyway, we are gonna have loads of fun, watch Eragon, chill with the guineas, and I might let Brenn read some of my book...hhhmmm.

Okay - 'bout da guinea pigs. I was researching breeding and was not very happy about what I read. After breeding, boars get very dominate, and only the 'big guy' is allowed to breed. Breeding a sow will also shorten her life span to 4 years, so that was out. I asked experts questions, read blogs about breeding, copied tons of articles, and drowned myself in a guinea pig book. So guinea pig breeding is totally out of our range. Not to mention the fact that sows often die while giving birth and still births are very common.

The real thing I wanted to tell you was this: I was up about four (but not on purpose) because Gilbert and Snuggles where being very loud while chirping incessantly, chewing on bars and their castle and dumping food EVERYWHERE! You would never believe how loud guinea pigs can be, they are almost as bad as parakeets! Anyway, I could not fall back asleep until finally the noise got MUCH louder from under the blanket we drape over their cage. This actually woke Leah up and she looked at me and was like, "I think they just had a fight." So I went to go see which one had been murdered. Mind you, this is about 4:30 in the morning. I found them staring at each other and chattering their teeth. Guinea pig boars often raise their hair on their necks, sway their hips, chatter, and yawn to display their teeth when angry. The thing that really was scary was that the wooden castle had been thrown upside-down during their tiff. That was what had caused the argument. As far as we can tell, Gilbert was probably in their and would not budge until Snuggles started to push him out and they somehow tipped the thing over and went for each other in defense. So we both took our own pig and sat with them on our beds for about ten minutes until they had calmed down. But whenever we tried to get them used to each other, Snuggles would chatter again.

It ended up that we put Snuggles back in the cage and I had Gilbert in a laundry basket next to my bed for the rest of the night. We have never been up with them before and we laughed about how it was like they where real babies! *lol* They are being nice to each other again this morning with allot of coaxing and veggies. I'm gonna ask Daddy to pick up a new castle for them at lunch. The tube obviously does not satisfy their needs.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Books 'n Birthdays!

I cannot believe the snow out here! It's been snowing like it's a blizzard outside for two straight days! *ggggrrrrrrr* I guess I'll have to be pretty cold on Sunday since I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt under an open-sleeved peasant style dress! Rats...

Well, news. Sabrina and i have begun a series of children's books about a girl who experiences the daily lessons of life. We are working together; I the writer, she the illustrator. It's funny because since Lele had her tonsils out I've had tons of time to burn and used the book as something to do. Even funnier is: I'm almost done and we last met only two weeks ago! *lol* I've been sending her what I have gotten done thru regular mail. This way her computer won't get clogged up and she will have a hard copy. I am doing my darndest not to become the leader...something I struggle with sometimes. She came over to my house Sunday before last and we went to Dairy Queen right before youth group. You should have seen us trying to agree on the name of the main character and what she should look like. The name, in case you're wondering, is Aubrey Hayz. I came up with the last name and she chose the first. It was an interesting discussion to say the least! *lol* My homework (which i came up with on my own) is to start looking for possible publishers. I saw a tiny book by a company called Halo Publishers. They do little children's books, but I don't know if they publish the kind we are doing. Oh, well.

My birthday is this Friday. We are gonna have bq ribs for dinner and mashed potatoes, buttered corn, and Dr. Pepper. Because of all the tonsilectomys (I have no idea how to spell it....why can't they come up with names that us common people can at least spell?) we haven't really been able to talk about my birthday. Which is fine, I practically have it all planned anyway! *lol* The only thing is that my birthday is on a Friday, the day both parents work. We also have to go to a Good Friday service that night too. Now that I think about it, what am I gonna wear?!

I have to go figure that out, so have a good Easter everybody!

-Hanna Y