Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Books 'n Birthdays!

I cannot believe the snow out here! It's been snowing like it's a blizzard outside for two straight days! *ggggrrrrrrr* I guess I'll have to be pretty cold on Sunday since I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt under an open-sleeved peasant style dress! Rats...

Well, news. Sabrina and i have begun a series of children's books about a girl who experiences the daily lessons of life. We are working together; I the writer, she the illustrator. It's funny because since Lele had her tonsils out I've had tons of time to burn and used the book as something to do. Even funnier is: I'm almost done and we last met only two weeks ago! *lol* I've been sending her what I have gotten done thru regular mail. This way her computer won't get clogged up and she will have a hard copy. I am doing my darndest not to become the leader...something I struggle with sometimes. She came over to my house Sunday before last and we went to Dairy Queen right before youth group. You should have seen us trying to agree on the name of the main character and what she should look like. The name, in case you're wondering, is Aubrey Hayz. I came up with the last name and she chose the first. It was an interesting discussion to say the least! *lol* My homework (which i came up with on my own) is to start looking for possible publishers. I saw a tiny book by a company called Halo Publishers. They do little children's books, but I don't know if they publish the kind we are doing. Oh, well.

My birthday is this Friday. We are gonna have bq ribs for dinner and mashed potatoes, buttered corn, and Dr. Pepper. Because of all the tonsilectomys (I have no idea how to spell it....why can't they come up with names that us common people can at least spell?) we haven't really been able to talk about my birthday. Which is fine, I practically have it all planned anyway! *lol* The only thing is that my birthday is on a Friday, the day both parents work. We also have to go to a Good Friday service that night too. Now that I think about it, what am I gonna wear?!

I have to go figure that out, so have a good Easter everybody!

-Hanna Y


Anonymous said...

OMG LOVE the layout!!! its AWSOME!!!
HAPPY (early) B-DAY Omg your gonna be 15 thats CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!! lol jk
lv ya tons and bunches!


runnergirl© said...

bugs, bugs, and more bugs.
love it though. lol

miss_lep said...

Hanna, You might want to check out this web site called teenink.com is a place were you can submit your writing. I've used it for my creative writing class in school.