Mum and daddy are having an 'all day date' today. Grandma Sherry is coming to watch us till 4 and then my daddy's mum is coming to watch us till they get home. We are having tacos for dinner (yyyyuuuummmmm).
I went to work on Thursday and had more fun and sort-of-scary-experiences than ever before! First, I led Wifi and Whitney to the pasture. Wifi was fine, but when I took Whit out, she got giddy because she had been at grass for the last few days because of rain. As I was trying to untangle the chain in the lead rope from her halter, she threw her head up and backed up. Fortunately, I still had a hold of her lead rope and pulled her back down. I got the chain from under the nose band and let 'er go. She cantered off and rolled in the dust. *lol* My finger had gotten caught in the chain (ouch) and it got swelled and now it's a bit bruised.
Later I got in my breeches (I forgot my gloves which really irritated me), and Mrs. Love, Whitney, and I headed for the indoor arena. We walked for a bit, then she said, "Okedoky, lets trot!" My hands got clammy because I have not trotted for a lllooonnnnggggg time. I'm pretty rusty! However, I held on for dear life and did my best to post. I was surprised when I stopped and she complimented me on how I Iooked! = D Well, then she says: "Now I'm gonna take away your rains." I stared at her. "Uhhh. How come?" She explained that she wanted me to have 'independent body parts'. In other words, one arm needs to be able to do one thing without the other doing the same and so on. So she took them away, and I trotted while holding onto a special strap in the saddle. Let me tell you, I was holding on for dear life! *lol* A bit later she decided to take it one step further. I was now to ride with only one hand! My posting became very difficult and my stirrups just then decided to move around to where they where not supposed to be. That was a good day, though!
Uhhhh! I'm so totally dying for a late night party! I wanna do something like a drive in movie and a fire in the backyard.....the wheels are turning.....
Has anybody seen the movie Miss Potter??? I love it!!!!!!!!!!! We got it from Netflix the other day and we watched it like a zillion times! You gotta see it. There is no profanity and no swear words with the exception of one that is buried in a meeting. See it anyway, it's goooodd!
- hanna liz Y
Ohhhh, I want pictures of you riding! lol. and the idea of the drive in and bon fire sounds exciting. count me in!!! (:
Miss Potter...we rented it from Netflix a while back, and agreed-it is a really good movie! I loved the music box part. *wink, wink*
You sound like you're having a good time on the horsies. hahaha.
I DVR'ed Miss Potter, and it makes me cry everytime I watch it. I love it to death, it's such a sweet movie.
I luv ya Doll,
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