Sunday, May 2, 2010

That Makes Three...

Well I rode at the R's home yesterday in some lovely weather. Button's was very forward and we had some beautiful canters together. Anna and I rode across the street from their house in the massive expanse of fields that belong to her father. That was fun, fun, fun! I actually had to hold Button's back! *lol* In one of the fields there was a huge mound of dirt from a project of her fathers and a tractor or something had made a flat place across it. Anna and I rode up that and down again. A little scary but nothing compared to some of the other steep trails that I saw at their place .... I was assured that by the end of the summer I will have rode them all. *oh boy...* Anyway, when we came back Anna put Kurant out in the pasture and I ride Buttons a little more. I probably shouldn't have.

Anna was standing in the center of the paddock that we were riding in taking pictures for me with my Mylo. After a few more canters (which I was thoroughly enjoying) I lost one stirrup and then the other so I tried to pull Buttons up. She began fluctuating between canter and trot and kept that up so that I couldn't do what I needed to do. Eventually she decided on a dirty pony trick that (I believe) she herself came up with. Going from canter to gallop she headed straight for the brand new fence that the R's had just put up along their paddock. When she reached it she got herself as close as she could resulting in my knee getting caught on one of the posts. I went down onto the gravel/sand and she apparently jumped over me.

In the end, I ended up with a banged up arm (not broken, thank goodness), a cover-removed helmet, and a very skinned back. Remember when I fell off of Whit a few months ago and skinned my shoulder blade. Yup, this is right on top and twice the size. I would post a picture but because of where it is, I would rather not.

Anyway, my helmet is at my grandparents getting fixed and my grandmother, after seeing the pictures, declared: "Hanna, I don't want you to ride anymore!"
Sorry, not an option. :)


Jen said...

I agree! Not an option! You love it and you are getting good at it. Besides, I am afraid you might try to ride Max in your desperation.

Lvoe you - Muver

runnergirl© said...

miss you terribly, and I propose we get together sometime. so email me and tell me when you're free. and you will be so proud to know I have posted! (:
