Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Sweet 16th Kelsey!!!!

Y ______________________________________ Y
Happy Sweet 16th Kelsey!!!!
What an awesome age to be entering!
I am so excited for you!
I'm super thankful we are friends!
I am also happy to have a friend to
relate to when it comes to writing!
What a blessing!
I hope you have the coolest sweet sixteenth on
the face of the planet!
See you tonight, girlfriend!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

~Elf Crazy~

Hello bloggers & blog readers!
Wow am I in an elvish faze! Make sure you read that right; Elvish on Elvis!
I tried to find 'Hello, friends' in elvish on a search engine that Kelsey sent me. Would you believe that they have words like 'threshold' and not 'hello' or 'greetings'? Good grief.
Anyway, I am in this faze. So badly in fact that I decided to write a whole story about an elven girl named Eruanna, my name in elvish. I am still trying to decide whether or not I am gonna write this or not. I thought about it and I think I am gonna make it so that she is a little older and an only child. Before she had two brothers. She'll fall in love with some guy or other and it'll be a romantic story.

In the book I am working on Princess Lelianna likes the stable boy Armon. They meet up again later in the story. I was coming up with the plot for that when I lost the document. Anyway, I'm on chapter 11 and still my characters haven't met! I think I'm in the chapter when Lelianna finds out about the rebellion and wants to do something about it (she is a real tom-boy).

In other news: Generation is tomorrow night. Not the worship practice, just youth group. I'm gonna wear a purple top with a yellow cammi and dark wash skinny jeans. Haven't decided on shoes. Hmmm. How 'bout black flats??? I'll figure something out.

See you all tomorrow @ church!
Eruanna (Air-oo-anna)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shopping and Stuff...

Hello again!
I wrote some more today. I got up at 7:30 this morning and the house was still asleep except for Lidd and Rilla, and when they are awake and the rest are asleep...then you might as well count on the others to be up pretty soon too! *lol*
Anyway, I took a shower, got dressed, makeuped and made my bed by 8:30. Mom was still asleep on account of her being out at a moms night out till 12:00 so I cleaned the guinea pigs's cage. Once they where taken care of I wrote a little and everyone was up at 10:00. By the way: this is classified info. Don't tell a soul we where up this late! *lol*
The day went on pretty much as it always does until Granny called and asked if Grandma Sherry, her and i could go shopping for a new coat and some other stuff. Grandma picked me up a little after 2:00 and we got Granny. Off we went to JCPenny's and Khols. Fun, fun, fun! I came home with a new South Pole jacket, skinny jeans, two shirts, a pair of the cutest comfy pants, and a sweater sort of thing that goes with the pants. I found Ashawee's sweater and I wanted it so bad, but I didn't want to copy her so I got one similar. We got home at 7:00 and then I worked on my research paper ( the darn old thing!) till 9:00. Here I am now.

I had started a character sketch yesterday, but I got tired of the new book idea and gave up on it. I feel stuck! I want something new that I can work on but can't come up with an idea that satisfies me! Grrrrrrrr!

Tomorrow an Alberta Clipper is supposed to come through, so maybe that'll give me some cozy inspiration.

Hanna Y
P.S.-Notice the totally cute cursor I got a couple days ago!
Isn't it just the cutest thing???
I love it!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy B-day Ashley!

Hello, peeps!
Ok, hold on because I promised this to someone:
You are a totally awesome girl to hang with and
be friends with! I reallllyyyy hope we will grow closer! Just think: You could be driving in a YEAR!
LUCKY! I still have two years to go! *lol*
Ashley's birthday is November eleventh, but I sorta didn't know that till the thirteenth! *lol*
There ya go! Ashley is fifteen! Yay! *lol* This is gonna be a quick post cuz lunch is almost ready. Gilbert is fine...happy I think. We are gonna get their nails clipped after Thanksgiving. Thank goodness I don't have to go to my Comp Class next Friday! I'll be sleeping still at nine. *lol*
My book is at least still existent. Except for the missing FIVE PAGE plot I have been working on, all seems in tact. My characters are still not on their quest and I am on chapter thirteen. I keep thinking of this other idea I have for another book and I keep wanting to give up on the one I am working. Only thing is I feel attached to my characters, so I can't just ditch them all. Oh, well.
Kelsey (nicknamed Chelsey at youth group) called on Saturday and again today cuz I failed to call because of the crazy weekend. We talked mostly about our books and discovered the fact that we both had the name Gwendoline and we both thought we had made it up! *lol*
Gotta scoot-I have a ruff-draft of a five page report due tomorrow. Pray for me!
Hanna Y

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaack!!!!

Hello everybody! I'm back after three weeks of no posting! Sorry, it has truly been a busy life out here! No, seriously. If you lived here you would know.

The back of the garage is still black from last month, but fortunately insurance was able to cover it. Now we are just trying to find somone willing to fix it without charging us an arm, leg, and liver. *lol*

Thanksgiving is coming to soon, although I love the holiday. I'm simply not ready for snow, cold, car sickness (I get car sick alot easier when it is cold out), and long sleeved clothes.

ATF was totally awesome! I liked it this year alot better than last year. We all slept at the church and had an absolute blast. My Dad was one of the chaperons so we took out out-of-this-world Excursion. We had ssssssssooooooooooo much fun, I felt kinda bad for Dad cuz he got stuck with a bunch of girlz including me. We talked the whole way to Cleveland with The Rubyz blaring over the sound system. Haha! Dad was SO good about it! *lol*

I finally got my desk set up in the hallway that leads to Lele's and my bedroom. It's not really a hallway, more like a long room with a door the the main hallway. Anyway, I have my VW bug (pink, of course), a fuzzy purple picture frame, and a pink diamond studded picture frame all set on the desk. My laptop I got from my grandma is on it too. I decided to save up for one of the cute little white laptops from Apple that they have at Sam's Club. The one I have now is kinda old, without Internet, but still serves the purpose. The purpose is to have my story all on one laptop that I can have access to even when a parent or sib is on the family laptop down stairs. Oh, well. It helps.

Oh, I am sooooo exited about Christmas!!!!! I already have a list of things I want.

Light washed skinny jeans
Ugg boots (they are terribly expensive so I'm not counting on it)
A new Palm Pilot with a keypad, music and Windows Mobile
A couple gift cards
*Prince Caspian Movie*
A goose-necked lamp for my desk
digital camera (a want, but a most likely NOT)
There are other things too, but that is all for now. I'm definitely asking for the jeans, lamp, Palm, and Prince Caspian. I swear, I'll marry Ben Barnes! *lol* *lol*
I have 2 go! I'm gonna try to finish up the plot for the rest of my book, which so far is three pages long. Sorry I won't be at youth group! I'll be there next week for worship practice though!