Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy B-day Ashley!

Hello, peeps!
Ok, hold on because I promised this to someone:
You are a totally awesome girl to hang with and
be friends with! I reallllyyyy hope we will grow closer! Just think: You could be driving in a YEAR!
LUCKY! I still have two years to go! *lol*
Ashley's birthday is November eleventh, but I sorta didn't know that till the thirteenth! *lol*
There ya go! Ashley is fifteen! Yay! *lol* This is gonna be a quick post cuz lunch is almost ready. Gilbert is fine...happy I think. We are gonna get their nails clipped after Thanksgiving. Thank goodness I don't have to go to my Comp Class next Friday! I'll be sleeping still at nine. *lol*
My book is at least still existent. Except for the missing FIVE PAGE plot I have been working on, all seems in tact. My characters are still not on their quest and I am on chapter thirteen. I keep thinking of this other idea I have for another book and I keep wanting to give up on the one I am working. Only thing is I feel attached to my characters, so I can't just ditch them all. Oh, well.
Kelsey (nicknamed Chelsey at youth group) called on Saturday and again today cuz I failed to call because of the crazy weekend. We talked mostly about our books and discovered the fact that we both had the name Gwendoline and we both thought we had made it up! *lol*
Gotta scoot-I have a ruff-draft of a five page report due tomorrow. Pray for me!
Hanna Y


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I've read about famous authors who worked on writing several books all at the same time. So, it would probably be okay to set one aside and work on a new one until the inspiration comes for the 1st one! I guess you can have your cake and eat it too!

Anonymous said...

That's Funny one time lol we called eachother like 6 or 7 time one saturday then like 4 time the nexted day lol


*live Laugh Love*