Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday, Rilly Billy!!!!

Happy 6th Birthday, Rilla Anne!

Today is my little sisters 6th birthday. Most of you know her, I think. That adorable, brown eyed, long haired, laughing kiddo who stops you in the hall every Sunday and tells you a random joke? Yeah, that's her! Marilla, the kid who has such a strong sense of killer humor that you laugh at the never ending joke: "Knock, knock! Who's there? Banana! Banana who? Banana - my name is not ANNA!" Hu?

Yeah, well, today is her birthday! So, if you will, give a happy birthday wish to her. She deserves it in return for all of the laughs, smiles, memories and her "Rillaisms".


- Big Sis Y


runnergirl© said...


so I'm a few days late, but I read this post and about fell over laughing at that silly knock knock joke. I know, I am probably the only one that thinks like her-humor wise. (: hahahaha.

btw, I posted a new one JUST FOR YOU my darling. love you sooooooooooooo much. !!! and I can't wait to see you tomorrow for GNO. its going to be fabulous. lol


miss_lep said...

Cute Christmas blog layout!

miss_lep said...

The kitty is Cutie! I get to see her friday along with the bunnies!

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