Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Christmas....

Woohoo! My Christmas was great! And we even got a WHITE one this year, though it did rain all day. *sigh* But, it was lovely! This year I did not ask nor receive any electronics, but I'm fine with that. I got lots of other awesome things! Let's see...

I got some clothes,
a pair of pink shoes,
a Breyer horse for my room,
a pink hairdryer,
a devotional,
a totally cute thermos cup,
a purity necklace,

And some other stuff, but I can never remember everything unless it's sitting in front of me anyway. *lol* Hopefully in the next couple of days Mum and I will be heading out to get the rest of my Christmas gifts. I had asked for tall boots and a dressage whip but the boots have to be sized right and Mum couldn't decide which whip to get me. *lol* That's okay. I won't mind picking them out myself!

Gotta go and put stuff away! - Hanna P.S. Let me know how your Christmas went!

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