Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Short One...

Good morning, world!

I am here to post a short one. First reason is cuz I'm sick with this stupid cold thing that has been going around in our family. Oddly enough, it is being shared by our very close friends in Montana. Everyone has decided that it must be traveling by phone and that's why they have it. *lol*

Another reason is because my little bros birthday was yesterday! That's right: he is now officially 13! Because Fridays are usually a little busy around here (my mom has to work at the church in the evenings, my daddy and I have to clean, and Leah had basketball practice) we held his family party on Thurs.. All the grandparents came over and brought gifts and we had cheesecake - Nate's fave. On Friday morning we left a little after 9:30 for the Art Museum. We spent our time there untill about... 1:30 or so. Then we drove back and stopped at CiCi's, one of our fave restaurants. By the time we were done there, we were all so tired.....until we got into the car. My sibs (not including myself) played thumb wars all the way home. That was interesting!

Anyway, because I've been running around sick since Wednesday, I stayed home with Lid and Rilla while the rest of the fam went to the church. We watched the opening ceremonies for the winter Olympics and had a wonderful time.

Now, I'm going to finsih my breakfast and shower.

Toodles - Hanna


runnergirl© said...

Ahhh, I'm getting sick with something too. but, I think its my own fault from running outside in the cold too much, and snowboarding and such in the cold. Its coming back at me! Tell nate HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and leave comments back on my blog, I've posted lots! hehehhe.


Jen said...

I am sorry you are feeling so yucky! You do sound cute, though. :-)

Love you,