The back of the garage is still black from last month, but fortunately insurance was able to cover it. Now we are just trying to find somone willing to fix it without charging us an arm, leg, and liver. *lol*
Thanksgiving is coming to soon, although I love the holiday. I'm simply not ready for snow, cold, car sickness (I get car sick alot easier when it is cold out), and long sleeved clothes.
ATF was totally awesome! I liked it this year alot better than last year. We all slept at the church and had an absolute blast. My Dad was one of the chaperons so we took out out-of-this-world Excursion. We had ssssssssooooooooooo much fun, I felt kinda bad for Dad cuz he got stuck with a bunch of girlz including me. We talked the whole way to Cleveland with The Rubyz blaring over the sound system. Haha! Dad was SO good about it! *lol*
I finally got my desk set up in the hallway that leads to Lele's and my bedroom. It's not really a hallway, more like a long room with a door the the main hallway. Anyway, I have my VW bug (pink, of course), a fuzzy purple picture frame, and a pink diamond studded picture frame all set on the desk. My laptop I got from my grandma is on it too. I decided to save up for one of the cute little white laptops from Apple that they have at Sam's Club. The one I have now is kinda old, without Internet, but still serves the purpose. The purpose is to have my story all on one laptop that I can have access to even when a parent or sib is on the family laptop down stairs. Oh, well. It helps.
Oh, I am sooooo exited about Christmas!!!!! I already have a list of things I want.
Light washed skinny jeans
Ugg boots (they are terribly expensive so I'm not counting on it)
A new Palm Pilot with a keypad, music and Windows Mobile
A couple gift cards
*Prince Caspian Movie*
A goose-necked lamp for my desk
digital camera (a want, but a most likely NOT)
There are other things too, but that is all for now. I'm definitely asking for the jeans, lamp, Palm, and Prince Caspian. I swear, I'll marry Ben Barnes! *lol* *lol*
I have 2 go! I'm gonna try to finish up the plot for the rest of my book, which so far is three pages long. Sorry I won't be at youth group! I'll be there next week for worship practice though!
I forgot to tell you all that the pics I have up of my characters will be replaced with pics I have done. I used these off of Google cuz they where very close to what my characters look like.
Glad you're back, Peanut! I have missed your posts.
I am looking forward to this week with you.
Lvoe - Muver
Wow i though you died for a couple weeks lol !
so why wern't you at youth group ? it was sooooooooooooo much fun!!!!
hey, wats up. i love it how yr book is coming up ,and i havent been able 2 work on mine cus schhol is taking up way 2 much of my time. so i havent bben able 2 write anything, ;(, well anyways hey, and quess wat praose God my dad got a real job!!!!!, lol, we have been praying so much so thankz c ya
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