Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dunno What to Call This One...

Whoa! Talk about weather in the Snowbelt!
Snow has been pouring down since I got up at 7, and it's still falling.
Cozy, true, but Mum, Granny, and I where going to find kitchen stuff today while Grandma Sherry watched the kids. So instead, after looking at the weather reports, we decided it would be safer to just stay home and enjoy the white glory of winter. (Hmmmm. Good line - I could use that.) Anyway, I'm gonna write, Mummy is making chocolate chip cookies, and we are gonna read and stuff. I'm wearing the cozy red sweater that Mom gave me - even cozier!

Other than the cozy weather today, I was so excited about Drew and her mom! They are thinking about names already. Drew told me that if the baby is a boy, they are thinking about Jason, if it is a girl, they like Pheobe! Is that not the sweetest name for a little baby girl? I think so. The Maseks (who left a while ago, but I look at her blog sometimes) are expecting a baby boy soon. Talk about a baby boom, hu?

G2G - Lunch is ready!
-Hanna Y


Lisa said...

Isn't all this snow fun? Sorry you missed your day of shopping though. That's kind of sad.

I like your blog template. It's so pretty and stylish. :)

Jen said...

I think you are feeling cozy....;-)

Love - Muver

Anonymous said...

i have to agree with your mom lol

So wait drew's mom is pregant?

Bina said...

oo thats so cool i was so cold at school. and im so happy and excited for drew and her mom, and mr. oath!!!!!!!