Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Life Online - AKA: Mylo...

I am ssssoooo pumped up about this post! Wanna know why?
Because (if you remember) this last Christmas I was aloud to pick out a new Palm Pilot for a gift. Right? Okay, so we started the hunt...nothing. Could not find a thing. We started looking at Nanos, Zunes, and MP3s. None of these pricked my interest.

So, on Saturday, daddy had Presidents day off. He asked me if I wanted to go Palm shopping with him and Nathan came along. Just like before, we couldn't find a thing. We found only four Palms for sale but three where ugly as all-get-out and the fourth was not what I was looking for. For some reason, I almost got it...until daddy told me to wait and we could look online for something better.
Boy am I glad he said that and that I listened!

The very night we got home from looking, we got on the Internet. It didn't take long before we found a PDA (Personal Data Assistant) that I loved! What we found was called a Mylo, which stands for My Life Online. Sony had them in white and black and I was dying for the white version. Ever seen those phones that have the Qwerty keyboard that slides out from under the screen? That is a well-fitting description of the Mylo. We read the reviews and really liked what was said. Unfortunately, Sony was out of stock (!!!).

The next day, dad found a list of Sony Style Shop numbers and found one close to us. he called and asked the girl on the phone if they had any white Mylos in stock there. They did! They told dad that they would hold one for us until 9:00, which was closing time.
So as soon as dad got home, we sped down to Beachwood Place to a mall where a Sony Style shop was located. I told Kelsey on the phone, "It was one of those kinda places where you feel out of place in you jeans!" *lol* Anyway, we went up tons of stares that made me feel like I was gonna barf, and found the shop.
We found the guy at the desk, looked at it and eventually bought it after about an hour of playing with it.

I absolutely love it! I can get on my blog because of the Internet access that it includes, their are games that you can download off of a sight for Mylo, music, I can take videos and pics, and even email! Sweet uh?

I'll bring it to church so you can see it!
Toodles! - Hanna Y


Unknown said...

very cool :)
Beachwood Place is so the way you described it! I love H&M there!

miss_lep said...

Its Lauren not my dad I was logged in the wrong thing. HAHA

The Girl Next Door said...

I am sooooo happy for you!!! Too bad I wasn't at church to see it. You'll have to make sure you bring it next Sunday!


Bina said...

OK after reading that, I decided, that I will prob get 1 now!!!!! lol right! so yea w/ my baday $$ im gunna go crazy!!!