Last night was restful compared to my Moms night. The last few nights have been a bit sleep deprived because of a snoring little person. I need to get new earplugs and she needs to get her tonsils & adenoids out.
I woke with perfect timing at 7:30 and actually was able to comprehend what I was pulling out of my drawers. *lol* Then I headed down stairs, took a hot shower and was ready in time for MOPS at 9:00. Just for the record I wore blue jeans, a brown shirt, a brown and creme sweater (which was considered a real bargain since it was originally $40 and I got it for $4), and my abbey clogs. I was VERY cozy!
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Anyway, MOPS was good with the exception of a kid named Vince who cried every time he came into the room. Then there where two sisters, Riley and McKenna, who are very close and when McKenna hit her head on the bottom of the table cried for only a little while. However, Riley was very weepy until their mom came to get them. Then there was Ruth, who clung to me and cried whenever I put her down. I was very glad when her mom was one of the first to come and get her. I couldn't put her down to clean up and even when I sat with her still in my arms she was at it again. Fortunately, my arms are still attached to my body. *lol*I called Mumzee (on Grandma's phone that she has lent us while they are away) and she came to get me.
I had some chocolate-banana bread cuz I was starving and completely missed lunch. Then I hung out with Gilbert, fed him some lettuce, and did some school. Then a friend of Mums came over to visit and I played a computer game.
I worked on Chapter 15 for about and hour while listening to LotR on the Mylo. That stuff always gets me pumped up and inspired.
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The best part was finding out that instead of having ceaser chicken salad for dinner, Mum had decided to make meatball sandwiches! I Y that stuff! One of my fave meals actually. The first time I had it was at the CHEO retreat at the Backs house. Mmmmm!
Later Daddy took Lele for a walk and took Max with them. The doodle was so excited he was practically smiling! He doesn't get to go for walks very often, so this was a real treat for him.
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Well, I'm gonna scoot, work on Chapter 15 some more and get into bed. Hope you all had a good day too!
God bless - Hanna Y
hey hanna
wow i know how you feel like iv'e had fun!!!!!
opps sorry i just relized what i wrote i meant iv'e had kids like those before lol and i have had sooo much fun jk lol
lv ya tons and bunches !!
* hannah marie*
Ohhh. I simply adore your new blog look. very you. and the picture is ever so lovely. pretty girl! :)
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