Happy 18th Birthday, Lauren!
You have blessed everyone in your path since the day God put you here - me included!
I remember when I was prayed over at church and you stepped in and added something that you where going through... Now some of that is happening to me, just like what you said.
God has obviously worked in you and the world around you knows it.
You are very blessed and much loved!
Happy birthday!
- Hanna Y
Everytime I think about that my eyes start to water. Just remember that God loves you and is always there! Friendships come and go but not His. Thank you so much girl!
haha. your little cursor gave me a laugh. I thought that was reason enough to comment. ohhhh, dearest piglet. haha. Lydia came up to me this morning and said "momma piglet!" usually she calls me "momma" and I call her "baby." I responded, "I'm not piglet-that's your sister! I'm tigger." so now I'm officially "momma tigger." :)
missed you, since I didn't go to youth group. see you soon. btw, I emailed you.
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