Merry Christmas, everyone!
I've been thinking about this season a little deeper the last few weeks, but not from the usual point of view - how wonderful and amazing it is that the Holy One came down to humble humanity and made himself into man. Although the story of the Incarnation is amazing and humbling, that is not where my thoughts have been this Christmas season. Instead, I've realized the fact that I am fifteen and, in actuality, Mary was between 14 and 16 when she found herself carrying the Most High and in circumstances that in most respects would be shameful to a young girl of that age now. However, for Mary (and Mary alone) this was no shameful pregnancy. Yes, she was probably humiliated at the way that her friends, relatives, and acquaintances treated her after she returned from Elizabeth's home, but she, Joseph, and yes, even God, knew that she was still a pure virgin of no wrong doing.
The point that I want to bring up to my readers is this: imagine yourself in Mary's position. She was young, unmarried, and here she is with child. Not exactly what you would call a circumstance to brighten her reputation, huh? If I where she, I think I would be horribly afraid of the unknown, lonely, and vulnerable. On the other hand, I might feel privileged to be given the honor of the most precious gift to mankind.
And then there is what she was going to do about it. After a glorious encounter with an angel, she probably didn't walk up to her parents in a daze and said, "Oh, just so you know, I'm pregnant, and, oh yeah, don't flip out cuz I'm still a virgin and it was the Holy Spirit, so talk to God." Nope, probably not. And her parents probably didn't react like this: "Gosh, Mary, this is great! You have been privileged by God himself and you're STILL a virgin? Whoa!" Nah. The reaction was probably any like parent would have at the shocking news - and more. They where probably angry, disappointed, and disbelieving. Let's face it, a child being conceived by the holy spirit by a virgin isn't very convincing is it? So, poor Mary, probably felt stuck between her fear and what her family and friends thought of her. But, God had a plan, and at least Joseph and Elizabeth believed her. And, if Mary was the God-fearing girl that I know she was, she leaned completely on her Lord and His never ending love. She was blameless to God and any other opinions where meaningless compared to His.
So, this Christmas, don't only marvel at what God has done for us and the miracle of the Incarnation, but also remember Mary, the young, vulnerable, and pure virgin who risked her reputation to bring the One into the world.
God bless!
Dear Hanna,
This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing this with us from a teens perspective. We all are walking out Gods will in our lives and forget that the Bible Characters had the same things to deal wtih as we do. Good work honey, I am proud of you.
Love you, GSherry
That would have been very scary to be in Mary's situation. And just the thought that she was carrying God's SON in her womb. wow. amazing! but how cool out of all the women, he choose her, Mary, to deliver God's Son. She is definitely someone we can look up to as a role model.
Merry Christmas Hanna!
Great job Hanna Bug. I'm so glad that you are a young lady who has her heart and thoughts set on the Lord.
Love you.
Well put...keep up the good posts!
Amazing, totally amazing...
Sometimes we forget how hard it must have been for Mary, thank-you so much for reminding us about her important place in the Christmas Story...
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