Thursday, January 31, 2008

Oh my gosh! If you don't know what 'Busy Week' means let me clue you in!
Busy Week is when:
You have a surprise birthday party and 4-H and your mom has to be in Punderson all in one day.
You have basketball practice the day before the party,you have to manage to go shopping while the birthday boy is at basketball.
Then there is a class that is 2 hours long.
Your sis goes to the doctors and you get to watch the kids :O (the face is supposed to look insane).
And...oh never mind ,you get my drift.I also have writing class in a little bit that I have to get ready for.

One of the things I did not mention in my profile is the fact that I am not a big sports peep.Well yesterday I realized I kinda liked basketball! I was amazed!
I don't know anything about it but I would like to.
Ok..I need to skidadle so I can get to w.class soon!AHHHHH!!!! :D


♥Miss Writer said...

Hey Hanna,

I think it is soooo cool that we are blogging....Ashawee said she hopes to get a blog soon too....

Yes, I LOVE Photography! I friend of mine got me into it, and I have loved it since!

runnergirl© said...

wow i will pray for you.
i know all about busy days, weeks, and if you are me lifetimes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hanna,

Yeah, Tuesday was a busy day! But I had a lot of fun playing b-ball with ya!!

Keep Posting!


Anonymous said...

Hey hanna,
Woooow that must of been busy on tues day! i have been busy allllll weeeekkkk! like the last 4 days have been reallllllllllllllllly busy:0:0:0:0:0 AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
OH Guess What My mom and dad r goin on a date and they are going to talk about me gettin a blog:):):):):):):):):):) well lov ya Hannah L