Sunday, June 29, 2008

2day has had a down

Hello every1!
Just a short post.
2day has had a down...
I am no longer in Sunday school (and if Mr.L had not asked 4 the age limit 2 go higher than I would have been gone sooner). I am now (an have been) 14 and so am no longer a student. ={ Oh well.
We had r last pizza party 2day and I left a little early. Now I wished I had stayed. But, alas, it is to late. And every1 excepting Rosy and a friend of hers. Hannah had gone home early cause she didn't feel good, Ashley had 2 go cause her fam was doing something,and Lexi wasn't there.
Toodles 2 all: Hanna Y

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Prayer Request!

Hello everyone!
Just a quick notice 2 u all that my Mom and Dad r leaving for Columbus 2day around 12:00 2 go 2 the CHEO (Christian Home Educators of Ohio)conference. Pleas b praying consistently 4 them! They will b home this Saturday, but it is a 2 hour drive there. All 2gether they r gonna be driving there & back for 4 hours.I am really glad 4 them though b-cause there is a pool @ the hotel and Mom has been running like mad 2 get a bathing suit! lol THANX EVERYBODY!!!!


Monday, June 16, 2008

Leery Leviathan!

Hey everybody!

Once again I did not get pics! SORRY! Crab 2 my Grandma,she was in charge. Anyway;a short post 4 2day. This is my 1 hour of computer time 4 this week...yes seriously.
Hey-Has anyone seen the latest footage of the Loch Ness Monster yet???
It's on You Tub and Fox. Just last year somebody filmed it.

It is [I'll admit] a little disappointing. I was expecting something like a long neck and head coming up from the water. Nope. It was a very 'exiting' disturbance of water. Actually it is like a lllllllllllooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg disturbance of water. So I guess it is possible. Hey-everything is possible w/ God right? Right.

I mean; They where alive in the beginning. God did create them.
Psalm 104:26 says: See the ships sailing along,and the Leviathan,which you made to play in the sea.
So it is very possible that during the flood they survived them being a sea creature and all.
And they are alive 2day. Cool hu?
So there is my little sermon 4 the day! lol

Have a good rest of 2day and hopefully I'll c u this Sunday!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

~2day,2marrow,More Horses and Barbie Girlz~

Here I am again!
Did u c the last 'post'?
Mumzee left it 4 me....I luv her! ****THANX MUMZEE!!!!!****

2day was good...slow, but good. It has been slow b-cause Grandma Sherry is taking us 2 the C. Pool just down 2 corners and three streets. lol .... [Some peeps say:"Just around the corner" or: "Just down the street.]
I can't wate! Hopefully it wont rain!!!! We r gonna go w/ the Ks - Ashleys fam.
WooHoo! I totally just LUV my bathing suit! It is 1 of those kinds that have the 1 strap that goes from the neck line and then attaches @ the back of ur neck. If we tack the camera I'll make shure I get a pic of it so u can c....yeah I know! I am always promising 2 post a pic of something and then never do! lol

Kelsey-Ur mom has a pic of u and a friend of urs on her blog. U r both under the water in a pool. Q.-How did she get that? It looked like the cam was under the water 2.
Just wondering. It did look pretty sweet though!!!

Mrs Ks horse Flucka had a foal a few weeks ago!!! She is SO cute! Mrs.K named her Skeekia.
She looks more like her father- Aundy-than her mother. Mostly b-cause of her color. She is sort of a gray all over,dark legs and muzzle and a black dorsal stripe. She has big dark eyes and when I first saw her in the stall w/ Flucka she nuzzled my hand! =D
Also another horse named Cinnabar is going 2 foal soon. Pleas pray that it all will go well.

Oh boy....Barbie Girlz. Yeah....
They finished adding the V.I.P. I looked yesterday.
Not good. It's not amoral or anything. But...well...they made it so u have 2 sign up as a V.I.P [Very Important Person] 2 get anything and everything. That means all the clothes that u could get b4 r now only available if u r a VIP. All the furni all the new games. Everything.
And it doesn't stop there.
In order 2 b a VIP u have ta pay $5.99 a month.
The bright side is that u can get a virtual pet,get gowns @ Glamor Gowns, get a make-over in Club Beauty and I am guessing all the furni that was only available 2 the girlz w/ the MP3.

Other than all that it has been a very good week.
Hope ur day goes good and u all will have a great Fathers Day!

Love - Muver

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Watcha think?
Mummy showed me the PZAM templates and I was just like:"Oh my gosh!"
I liked this 1 4 now but b expecting the templates 2 change anytime! :D

2day was work day at my church. At the end I really did think I was gonna die of heat stroke! lol Lets c...I helped take the paint off the back door,wiped down the nursery,cleaned a bathroom [Thank u Hannah! Couldn't have done it w/ out u! lol],took off all the old staples that had been left on the main bulletin board and helped mulch.
I have always luved mulching...not anymore!
Then mummy took us kids home early while they cleaned up at the church.
I took the most wonderful shower ever recorded in the history of r world since Adam and Eve. lol
Then we watched a movie and mom and pop came home. Mom made mini meat loaves and corn 4 dinner. *mmmmmm*
And now I am blogging. *DUH!*
Later I think me Mom and Pop r gonna watch a movie from NetFlix.
Hope so anyway. I wanna b able 2 wake up @ 7 in the morning 4 church.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hair,Tans and Horses!!!!

I declare that hair cuts rock!!!! Mumzee and I went 2 Deanne's so-and-so 2day in M. I got a slightly shorter cut this time. New bangs r the thing. They kinda look like Hannahs old ones b4 she got the straight across that she has now.I LUV 'EM!!! lol

Ok so get this: Yesterday we went 2 the O'Bs. I tried 2 get a tan out on their back porch but no luck. Sooo....I was gonna get in my bathing suit and lay out in the back yard 4 a while. And guess what? It rained.=[ Hopefully it'll warm up and get sunny 2marrow cause I'm not wearing a tank and shorts 2 the church work day w/ white legs!!!!!! lol

1 of Mrs. K's horses had a little filly 2day!!!!!!!
And I get 2 go c her! The mother is Fluka and they haven't named the foal yet. Can't wait till they do!

G2G-mIzZ pIxI cHiX Y