Monday, June 16, 2008

Leery Leviathan!

Hey everybody!

Once again I did not get pics! SORRY! Crab 2 my Grandma,she was in charge. Anyway;a short post 4 2day. This is my 1 hour of computer time 4 this week...yes seriously.
Hey-Has anyone seen the latest footage of the Loch Ness Monster yet???
It's on You Tub and Fox. Just last year somebody filmed it.

It is [I'll admit] a little disappointing. I was expecting something like a long neck and head coming up from the water. Nope. It was a very 'exiting' disturbance of water. Actually it is like a lllllllllllooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg disturbance of water. So I guess it is possible. Hey-everything is possible w/ God right? Right.

I mean; They where alive in the beginning. God did create them.
Psalm 104:26 says: See the ships sailing along,and the Leviathan,which you made to play in the sea.
So it is very possible that during the flood they survived them being a sea creature and all.
And they are alive 2day. Cool hu?
So there is my little sermon 4 the day! lol

Have a good rest of 2day and hopefully I'll c u this Sunday!



Hanna said...
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runnergirl© said...

That is an interesting perspective, and since I haven't heard about the footage, I might check it out.

Jen said...

I think it could be cool to see one. Nate wants to see the one that is supposed to live in Lake Erie. Maybe when you go this weekend....

Hanna said...

Goo Grief I hope we don't c 1!
-Hanna G.

Lisa said...

Hi. Have I told you I love your blog template? We had lots of fun at the pool with you guys last week. Sorry you didn't get to take pics. :(

We'll be sure to check out the the Nessie sighting on youtube. :)

BTW, tell your mom there's no monster in Lake Erie! lol

Love, Mrs. K.

The Girl Next Door said...

Hey Hanna,

I so totally think the lock ness monster is real and still alive today! I mean its gotta be! especially since they even talk about the leviathan in the Bible.
