I'm baaaaack!
Hey, 'Brina'!
Yeah. Not only are we gonna have marsh mellows but we are gonna have s'mores!
We will provide all that though. KK?
I went to MOPS this morning and I was in the nursery.
They aren't really baby baby's but they rang from nursing baby's to walkers.
I love being with them. But every month there is someone who wants to be held and will cry if I put them down. My arms feel like they are gonna fall off when that happens! lol
I woke up yesterday morning with a soar throat and a head ache. By the end of the day I was running a fever and my skin hurt. I was pretty miserable. But this morning I felt better so I went to MOPS. And guess what. Now my throat hurts again. *gggrrr*
No, I never did clear out the barn today. I will tomorrow though wile the cage is drying.
Oh, next post I'll have to tell you all about our mouse adventure! Fortunately it was not in the house. But I have ta go. I smell french toast and bacon cooking!
Hey Piglet!
Wow-two days in a row of blogging! Now you are doing better than I am doing. hehe. --but I can't wait for the s'mores. yummie! that is something I haven't had in a long while!!! :p
I hope you start to feel better! Goodness! My nose started running this morning-but thank goodness that it has finally stopped. I don't want to get a cold, but I have been out in the rain a lot with damp clothes, so it probably isn't helping! Plus a lot of people at school are getting colds! yikes...I don't want/need one right now-or for a long while. ok, I COULD go on forever. bahaha.
-love ya, tiggeR.
You are still sleeping, but Dad and I prayed you would wake up feeling better today.
'Does da baby hurtss and dot a temperature?'
Love - Muver
aaaahhh French toast and bacon, I'll be right over!
haha can't wait to hear that one lol
Hey Hanna!
That stinks that you woke up with a sore throat and a head ache. =(
Hope you're feeling better.
Oh and that's really cool that you and Leah are gonna get 2 guinea pigs. That must be sooo exciting!! Can't wait to see them!
hey haven fun cleanin your room ?
oh and are we still haven yg at your house ?>
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