Friday, December 26, 2008

My Big Present for This Year!

What a wonderful Christmas we had!
Our Christmas was out of this world!
Some of the things I got are:
New drawing supplies
Prince Caspian-Collectors Edition
Prince Caspian Illistraited Movie Companion
Goose-Necked lamp for my writing desk
Nail polish
Gift cards to Peebles and Kohl's
Petz Horse Club Computer game
That's about all of it. The BIG present I received was something I have been wanting since the beginning o fthis year. Here is how I got it. Every year, somebody gets a box inside of a box inside of a box inside of a box inside of a box inside of a box. Get the pic? Well, this year it was me! So I kept going and going (and my hands where shaking because I had the idea of what it was.). Finally I got to the very smallest box, about the size of Rilla's fist. When I opened it, there was a piece of folded up paper. When I opened the paper I read:
This is good for a date with Dad to go and get a...
Palm (Pilot).
Y-Mom and Dad
When I looked up I was so excited my eyes where watering! *lol* Then I got up and hugged Mom and Dad REALLY tight. The rest of the day walked around asking people if they could believe I was getting a new Palm. =] So now Daddy and I have to go at some point soon and pick a new one! I am so excited!
I hope you all got what you wanted too! I know Tigger did! *lol*
Hanna Y

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Hair

Christmas Eve Day!

Merry Christmas!
This is gonna be quick cuz I have to get to a hair cut in a minute.
I just wanted to let you all know we are going to Grandma Sherry's house for Christmas.
You will not be hearing from me for a week at least.
Hope you all get what you are asking for!
Merry Christmas to all!
-Hanna Y

Friday, December 19, 2008

~Update on Life~

Rilla is better! No one else got sick, thank goodness!
The only thing I hear was that Jessie and Aaron got it or something.

I am realllllyyy looking forward to Sunday! Or at least the Christmas service. We have to be to the church at 8:30 am for worship practice! Ahhhhh! I'll have to wake up at like 6:30. Help. I hope to maybe get a red shirt tomorrow or after the morning service to wear to the evening service. Then I think I'm gonna look on Google to see how to do a spiral curl style. I hope it works cuz we have a couple curlers that will do that and I luv the style!

Ashley just called me from school. She calls most Fridays when she is waiting for the bus. Today she called me cuz she was waiting for a basketball game or something. I'm so glad I don't have to do that! HOMESCHOOLING ROCKS! *lol*

My book is going good. Both of them. I am attempting o keep myself from beginning a THIRD! I keep having all these ideas I just love but I need to finish the ones I have started. Oh brother...

Gilbert and Snuggles are doing good. Gilbert is still an old hermit but I hope he will grow out of that. Lele and I want to get them a hidy hole and a couple leashes and harnesses for Christmas. It think that a fence would be better than a harness but what can we do when the fence is $20? I'll try and post pics of them soon. =]

I think I know what I'm gonna get Mummy and Dad for Christmas, but I can't tell on my blog cuz Mumzy reads me blog! =]

Merry Christmas!
-Hanna Y

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Today and Why I'm Not @ Church...

Guess whats going on at my house. Let's see. Last night was the Progressive Dinner for my youth group (a.k.a.-Generation). The dessert was at our house. We had a lot of fun, we played Five Fingers two times in a row and I was out very quickly because the boys where beating us down. Josh won though, because he got Aaron's last finger by saying: "Never have I ever worn a Quick Silver sweater." And then Aaron tried to defend himself because he didn't wanna loose.
Anyway, we all talked till like 11:30 and then people started heading home. I got in bed at 11:50. *Ouch!* That was a real blow when I woke up to Leah snoring...again. For some reason my head was messed up because I was half asleep and I thought I had been up all night when I looked at the clock and it read 4:00. So then I tried putting a pillow on Leah's head. Didn't work. So then I tried putting a pillow on my head too. Didn't work. So now I was crying. I took my little plastic box of earplugs into the bathroom and prayed that God would put me to sleep. I also stuffed in a pair of new earplugs cuz I figured the old ones where done. I got back in bed and fell asleep. Thank goodness. Now mind you, we had to be to church at nine because Mom was singing and Dad was doing sound. My alarm was set for 7:00 and I had to push snooze. So I did. Then after the snooze alarm went off I just turned the alarm off altogether. *lol* I decided I would just sleep ten more minutes. When I turned back was 8:30!!!! I only had a half an hour to get ready! For those of you who know me really well will remember that I was the girl who was in the shower when Mrs. Rogers (youth pastors wife) was yelling at me through the door that we had to leave the hotel in five minutes. Yeah. I go rushing down the stairs practically crying cuz I was low on sleep and I have done this before. When I go down stairs I loom for Mom all over the house. And Dad sees me and asks what I was looking for. Then when I figured out what me problem was he said: "Church. We are not going." What! Why not? "Rilla was sick this morning and up-chucked twice." Good grief. The kids where supposed to go to the children's Christmas party today while Mom and Dad and I went to go Christmas shopping, have lunch and see Bolt. I wanted to cry. I did for a minute. Mom and I where going to make up for Dad's birthday today because his birthday yesterday turned out to be a really lousy one. He cleaned the church for most of it. = (
So that has been today up till now. Pray for me that I will learn to be content. Because I'm not. I was really looking forward to today and now it is not happening. Mom and Dad and I haven't gone out all the three of us since the first Narnia movie came out. That was two years ago. You could pray for Rilla too. She feels nasty.
Toodles- A Trying-to-Be-Content Hanna Y

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

This is Dad & I before we left for Winter Jam in January of '07.
Happy 39th Birthday, Dad!
I love you, Pop, more than you can fathom!
Don't ever forget that.

If you remember, back in October we had a fire on the back of our garage. This was due to some warm ashes that had been dumped just the day before. When my Mom woke him a two in the morning telling him about the flames, he flew out of bed to go water it down while we all rushed to the front porch. This is a perfect example of how a father's love should be played out for his family. I am so blessed to have a dad who will risk himself for his family, no matter how scary the situation. And so everyone knows, my Dad was able to put out the flames before the firemen arrived. Thank you, Daddy! You're my hero!

-Hanna Y

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Woa! What a Week!

Woa. What a week!
The conference for Steve Demme was part of Friday and all [and I mean ALL] of Saturday. It went very well except for I had a headache on Friday'tummy hurts' on Saturday. Get my drift? And yesterday [Monday] Nate had to go for an MRI because of a really bad migraine a few weeks ago. It was so bad that he lost his vision for a seck and his hearing went funny. He said he had to sit down cuz his head hurt so bad. He is ok now, but we had to have the doc check because of some family history.

Other than that, I started a new book last month. It's about a girl named Abigail Cox who lives on a horse farm called Woody Brook Gables. She, her twin bro named Luke and her mom and dad (Gabriel Cox and Naomi Cox) live there. They do boarding, riding lessons and each have a horse of their own except for Gabriel Cox, who has a few thoroughbreds that he keeps to enter in competitions to make money. Eventually they adopt a 16 year old named Lana. I'm thinking of changing her name to Paige cuz I ave always wanted a character by that name. There is this boy named Ben Harris who thinks Abigail is all that. *lol* Basically, the story is about how Abigail hates the fact that they are gonna adopt cuz she likes her life the way it is. Lana is an angry girl because of her teen mother she never met. She sees how happy the Cox's are with their faith and decides to ask how she can have it too. Once Lana shapes up, Abigail decides her new siss isn't all that bad and they form a lasting relationship.
I might add something to the story. Dunno yet.

We just finished dinner. Salad and potato soup! One of my faves! I seemed to have burnt my poor pink tough on the first bite, so whenever I wanted water it tasted horrible cuz my tongue was all messed up.

We decorated the house yesterday. That was fun! The Christmas tree went up on Sunday night and Dad strung it with lights. Then yesterday we decorated the mantle and the banister with cinnamon stix, pine cones, bows and garland. You'll all get to see it at the progressive dinner. Which, by the way, is Dad's birthday! Yay! Be expecting a birthday blog post on the 13th!

Lele and I are thinking about Christmas gifts for Gilbert and Snuggles. We are thinking a leash and collar for them both and maybe a wooden castle. We already have a castle along with a tube. But the tube has been adorned with guinea pig tinkle and droppings so they really need another one cuz when either is in the castle nobody is in the tube. They realllllyyyy like the castle anyway. I'm thinking that is a good gift idea for them. I know, getting gifts for pets sounds stupid but we have always gotten them for Max and Mazy and now it's the pigs turn! So there! *lol*

I gotta scoot. Brennen just called.
Toodles! See you all on Saturday!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday, Rilla Anne!

Happy 5th Birthday to Rilla Anne!!!!
Rilla (Marilla Anne) is my sweet high spirited siss.
And today is her 5th birthday!
I love you, Rilla! I'm so glad that God gave you to us.
You are a blessing beyond measure.
Rilla has a loving, tender heart, a beautiful smile, a lot of energy, and a killer sense of humor. *lol*
Love you, Willy Billy!
XoXoXoXoXoX-Big Siss