Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dumb Old Clock!!!!

Hello dear friendies!
Hope ur day has been totally sweetness all round!
I've had a good day.Have a couple of stories 4 my post 2day:
#1:Ok,so we just started a new gig where we all have 2 get up at 7 and b ready by 8:30 *AAAAHHHHH!!!!*.
Soooo I set my alarm 4 7. Apparently there is something wrong w/ my clock [which;2 my utter embarrassment is pink w/ a Cinderella sitting on top;hey, my mummy got it 4 me when I was 10!].The reason 4 that is cause when I got down stairs mummy and dad had not even showered yet!
Mumzee explained that it was NOT 7 but that it was 6!
I felt very good about that because I was 2 awake 2 go back 2 bed and I could shower,put on make-up and dress without being in a rush. Yay! =]
So I was ready in time 4 school 2 the utter joy of my mother!

Oh and when I got out of da shower the right side of my bangs had formed in2 a perfect curl! So I have walked around all day being quite vain over that little uncommon thing. =] =]

Later at 3 I had a three time round practice w/ Mrs.C, Mrs.K and Mrs.H 4 the Ladies Brunch on May 10th.I'm praying 4 an over flow of the spirit 4 the dance. I want it 2 be as moving as possible. B PRAYING,PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have 2 go!
Luv U all!!!!
Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox-Mizz Pixi Chix
[I decided 2 have that as my signature]


runnergirl© said...

I like your new signiture. and haha, I wish my bangs would be perfect!

Lisa said...

Hey, PinkChicky, you crack me up! I wish I could have seen that perfect little curl! What a wonderful way with words you have, and that's a VERY uncommon thing!

I'm looking forward to your dance on Sat. I'm sure it will be filled with the Lord's annointing.

Jen said...

I know the Lord will move in your dance because you are doing it for HIM. I am praying hard for you as you prepare. Dad and I are so proud of how hard you have been working on it.

Good job getting up. Sorry I posted the wrong time on my blog. ;))

Love you - Mumzee