Saturday, September 6, 2008

Big News and Big Responsibility

Hi bloggers & blog readers!
I have been dying to let out info to you all since Thursday, so here I go.
I don't know who knows that Lele and I have been praying and asking for a guiny pig each for almost the last year. Dad was not so keen on it but Mom was all game.
So on Thursday Mom and I are going to the Library and Beans, ok? All the kids where with my Dads mom for the whole day, So my Mom and I where gonna go spend the day together. Any way, on the way there she says: "Well, I have a little surprise for you."
I just kinda looked at her and smiled. I had no idea what it could possibly be.
And she says: "I have two little pets on hold from Mrs. C." (This 'Mrs.C 'nobody knows unless you go for assessments from her.)
I looked at her like she had grown two heads and a third eyeball and everything else unnatural. Obviously she knew that look because she started to laugh really hard.
She told me about a cage from someone at our church we where gonna borrow until we could get our own. By this time I started to wiggle and laugh and I even got teary eyed.
The mix of emotions was so thick I had a hard time concentrating. So I don't remember all that she told me. "There are only two little boys left from the litter. I know you wanted girls but it's a start. They are a few weeks old by now."

All the rest of the day that was all I could talk and think about. Literally. Just ask my Mom. We talked about the care of them at Beans, we talked about rules at the Library and I couldn't restrain myself from telling the mother of one of my friends who is a librarian too. I was so happy! But this morning I told my Mom that I was: "Being tortured like a kid who's favorite candy was being held right in front of her face but was held back from eating it."

And just about a half an hour ago Lele was told about them too. She started to cry and laugh and jump up and down (hey, I would have if I could but I was in a car!). We told Nate and the little girls and they started to jump like us.

We don't have them yet but we will be next Saturday.
The highest ratings on names (between Lele and I at least) are Pippin and Frodo.
Mime would be Pippin, but we are not sure yet.
I'll post TONS of pics when they arrive!
Love you all!
P.S.-Pleas pray for them to be kept save while we wait to go get them!
Tomorrow Leah and I will be working to get the borrowed cage clean
After the youth group outing. See you then! =]


Jen said...

Now see? Prayer always works!! I am excited, too!

Love you - Muver

Anonymous said...

Youuuuuuuuuhoooooooooooooo..God is in the little things as well as the big. Can't wait to meet the new grandpigs.
Love you, GS

runnergirl© said...


awwwawww! I am so happy that you got your answer to prayer! God is good. :) In fact, while reading your post, I was getting pretty exciting myself! hehe. You wrote well-and with a lot of emotion and description. Bravo! =]

I am excited that you will be going to the youth outing. :) see you tomorrow babe! lylas.


miss_lep said...

grandpigs? thats funny!sounds fun. I remember bringing home my bunnies and spending lots of time with them. can't wait to see the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh, I can't wait either, How exciting! Looking forward to hearing all about them.

Anonymous said...

sweet can't wait to see the pic's =]

plz keep prayin that my dad will let me get a bunny =]

Hannah l,