I have to post a quick one now cuz I have homework due today and i still have to type it up and send it off. So far I have all A's! Yay!
Gilby and Snuggles are doing good. It has been a week since....*thinking*....Saturday.
Those of you who have seen them know that there is only one hidy hole in the entire cage. A green tube that Glibert has pretty much eaten the paper within an inch of its life.
Anyway, the tube has sort of been taken over by Snuggles. So poor Gilbert had no place to go. Until Dad came home with a really nice wooden box with an arched door and round window. Gilbert was the first to get in and SLEEP in it! I came up to refill their water bottle and we was sound asleep until I unhooked the bottle from the cage bar.
It was adorable. So now they are across the street nabours and they each have their own little house.
Sweet now i get what it is lol
dearest....NEIGHBORS. :-)
Love you - muver
Congrats on your little furry friends!
We should get together sometime! I miss hangin' out. (cus I didn't get to go to PEARLS! Wahhhhh!)
Hey Babe!
Mann, it has been a while since I have been on blogger, well at least it seems that way, but with the talk of your new backround I thought I would investigate. :) Very cute, might I add in!
Youth group was fun-even with mazy. hehe. that poor doggie was so picked on! see you soon Darling (before my petty coats get wet!) lol. lylas piglet.
i miss ur post ! can't wait to read about your mini Vacation!
~ Hannah l,
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