Monday, March 31, 2008

A Very Funny And Kinda Gross Post (Don't eat wile u r reading or I'll never hear the end of it!)

Hey everybody!
Waz up?
Not much around here.
Except my Grandma Sherry,Muver,bro,8 yo.sis,6 yo. sis, 4 yo. sis and of course Urs Truly all went 2 the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo today.
A few very interesting things happened wile we where there...including lunches coming back 4 a last 'Farewell' (as u would call it),a hygiene ignorant chimp and a elephant who looked like he was either inviting his lunch 2 say a 'Farewell' or he was (in his dream) on a ship at Cape Horn and quite sea sick.

So...first we where almost 2 the Zoo when...I really hope ur not hungry...when 4 yo. sis created a mini fountain of a most lovely fragrance in the back seat where she had been eating lunch.Not anymore she wasn't! I felt sssssssssoooooooo bad 4 poor 9 yo. sis and bro! They where both on either side of her.Uhhhhh....!

Next when we where visiting the fish,gorillas,sloths chimps and so forth we met a very interesting chimpanzee who obviously had no regard 4 his health or the other monkeys and people watching.
He began 2 play with is very large,very pink and open- 2- everyone- and- there- brother rear. Yes really. He proceeded 2 run his long and black finger around,over,back and forth and in his 'u know what'.
I was mortified! Then of course all my wonderful little sibs started shouting,"Mom! That monkey has his finger in his bum!" Kill me now! lol
Never mind,on 2 the next subject! *clearing of throat*

Then a little be4 we left we all decided 2 head on over 2 c the elephants.
We noticed a very strange thing.
A elephant was standing in 1 spot looking a little ...well...lets just say...far off.
He/She was moving his/her head first 4ward then down.Over and over and over and over again. Almost looking as if he/she was going 2 allow his/her last meal c the world 1 last time be4 being digested.We went in2 the building 2 look at the boring hippo,and like...what...3 turtles.When we got out the elli. was still sanding there doing the same thing. Odd.

Ok now that I have totally grossed u all out I'm gonna go 2 bed.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sorry This is Sssssooooo Short

Here I am again!
So how was everybodys day? So far mine has been ok.
Church went great. I wore a new dress I got at Wall Mart. It's a baby doll,blue with a white under layer,and is a little above the knee.The sleeves r above the elbow and slightly puffy.
I luv that dress and I got tons of compliments.I wore my black ballet flats,2 necklaces (white and black) and a pair of dangley earrings that r black and white.

In an hour and ten minuets I'll b going 2 a jim kinda place with Mrs.C 2 practice a dance 4 a ladies retreat in May.The song is El Shadi by Amy Grant. It's a beautiful song and really moving. We got the first chorus done in only five minuets!
So now we r gonna work on it some more and c if I can finish the choreographing it.
After that we r gonna just keep practicing so I can get it perfect.

Let's c....I can't think of anything else 2 write about,so I'm gonna finish up here now.
I hope u all have a wonderful rest of the day. Write u later!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

I LUVED 2DAY !!!!!!!!!

I LUVED 2DAY !!!!!!
Have u ever had 1 of those days where everything went just the way u hoped it would? And some very unexpected surprises happened 2? That was so totally my day!
Yay!!! lol
So first I woke up at 9.I washed my hair,did not have breakfast (but I didn't get hungry till much later),and was ready in time 2 go 2 the salon in town 2 get my eyebrows waxed.Yes it sounds horrid but it all went great!It didn't hurt as much and I didn't need the cooling gel that makes ur eyes all greasy lookin'.
then I came home,had a egg sandwich and o.j..Mmmmmmm.....
Mom and 2 of my sissies went 2 a party dad was coming home from doing something at the church in a sec and my bro made some really good mack&cheese.

At 4 mummy and I went shopping 4 some clothes at Wall Mart.We got a bunch of sweet stuff and got home at 6.

Now I'm home blogging.Duh.
4 dinner we r having pizza,salad and 4 desert ...*drum roll*...banana splits!!!!!!

So that ends my perfect day.I hope that ur day was as perfect as mine!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hey Everybody!!!!

So how do u like the new layout?
I like it.However....I'm gonna change the blogs name.
Don't freak or anything!It will not b so hard 2 remember.
I won't type it yet because I don't want anybody else 2 steel my idea.

Ok forget the name change!On 2 something more exiting!
Who has heard of a chat sight called:Barbie Girl?
I play on there all the time.As a matter of fact I'm gonna get on there after I'm done blogging.
Anyway.I LUV being on that sight.The only thing that is not so fun is the fact that I don't have an actual Barbie Girl (Barbie Girl is a mp3 player).I get a little jealous when I c girls who have 1.They have all the looks,clothes,pets,earrings,furni,purses,hats and can go in shops that u can only get if u have a B.G..
But I luv rearranging my girls room getting her in different outfits,choosing eyes,hair make-up and lips and lip colour 4 her!It's fun 2 make friendies on there and have a conversations with them.I like 2 invite them 2 c my room and 2 go 2 another girls rooms.That's pretty much it so I'm gonna move on2 another subject.

I had writing class at 1:00.My story is gowing great.
I am making my own language 4 the peeps of Aradon,Iklinda,Prisma,Masha and all those other places.
Yes I like J.R.R. Tolkien!I thing he was an awesome doode.
As a matter of fact I am reading Lord of the Rings.Yes really!LOL
I just started and am at the part of the first book when Bilbo Baggins and Gandolf r talking in Bilbo's home at Bag End.That was rite after Bilbo used the ring and disappeared from his party.I luv the part when he is tying 2 make his speech and all the other Hobbit relatives r interrupting with laughter and applause!
Ok....I need 2 go.I wanna get on Barbie Girl be4 dad tells me 2 get of the computer!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mostly About My Book...

I'm back!Mmmmuuuaaa!!!
This is what that means:
I'm back!Mmmmuuuaahhh! (It is supposed 2 b an evil laugh)
Another day is here.It has been a good 1 so far...and I so hope it stays that way!
Part of the reason y it is a good day (so far) is cause we have spring break! Yay!
Ok I have WAY 2 many exclamation points.
We have spring break 4 a whole week!That really makes me happy.

Oh brother.I don't really have any subject 2 blog 'bout.That's bad.
I could just blog about how I don't have a subject.But that would make a pretty lousy (I love that word...'lousy') post! U all would b asleep on the floor be4 u where finished reading! : D

Now that I come 2 think about it,I do have a subject! Yay me!

My Book:
So far it is going ok.I have made a map of Aradon and the other places all around it.I still need 2 finish it.When I do I'll put a pic on my blog 4 u all 2 c.It will probably b kinda hard 4 u 2 reed.I came up with this really cool place called 'Stars Rest' in the Shibe Forest.The Shibe Forest is in the north of a place called Iklinda.
If u have ever read the Narnia books u will understand.If u have read The Voyage of the Dawn Treader which is the 5th book in the Chronicles of Narnia u will understand even better!In magical places the stars r supposed 2 b glowing peeps up in the sky.Mind u I did not make this up,C.S. Lewis did!So when the stars get 2 old they come down 2 the 'earth' and rest there until they r 'as young as the child that was born yesterday'.There was a star that was on an island out at the very edge of the sea on an island in #5.
Ok;I need 2 go.I've got a load of stuff 2 get done.
What should I have 4 lunch.Hmmmmm...........


Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

What Happend 2 My Palm Pilot...

Hey everybody!
So u can understand:
Hey everybody!
Rite now I'm listing 2 1 of my fav bands called Sanctus Real.
They r a really sweet band!The point of me telling u that is the fact that I'm listing 2 them on my Palm Pilot.The point of me telling u I'm listing 2 them on my Palm Pilot is 2 open up what I wanted 2 blog about.
Ok,so on Tuesday my dad was gonna put a movie on my Palm 4 me.
He had been playing around trying 2 figure it out when he said he was stuck.I came over and tapped on the 'home' button but nothing happened.Then my dad tried re-starting it.
That didn't work ether.By this time I kinda figured something' was wrong.
What was wrong was the fact that a few months be4 I had dropped it on r kitchen floor wile jumping.Nothing had appeared wrong afterwords,so I didn't think much about it.
Now I was thinking a whole lot about it!When we realized that the touch screen didn't work anymore we gave up...that is I gave up.Dad kept tinkering with it and got the thing 2 go home by pressing 1 of the oddest buttons.It was the 1 that u hit after u have completed a project on the task calender!Lol!
See u pretty much control everything by the touch screen.Except the music.So the music still works but I can't do anything else...
Now dad and I r looking 4 a new Palm.I don't want a new 1 but what's the point of a Palm Pilot that only plays music? U can do SO much with a Palm when the touch screen works!
U can play games,music,watch movies,beam memos and picks,draw,keep ur calender on it,keep phone numbers and on some u can even record!
My bro has 1 2 and he even offered his 2 me when mine busted!He is so sweet! Y


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

R U Ready 2 Hear My News?

R u ready 2 hear my news?
R u ready 2 hear my good news?

Well whether u r ready or not here it comes.
Some of the peeps who read my blog already know this cause they go 2 my youth group.
Ok.At Acquire the Fire they talked a lot about making ways 2 reach out 2 the peeps in our community.And it just so happens that some of us (in our youth group) can play an instrument.
Like base,electric guitar,acoustic,flute,trumpet,and mostly piano.Not only that but some of us (including myself,trust me, I get it from my muver!) also happen 2 have a pretty good singing voice.
Ssssssooooo....we decided 2 start a band!Yay!
I have wanted 2 be part of a band 4 a really long time but never really knew how 2 get 1 2gether.And thanks 2 the peeps at A.T.F. they figured it out 4 me! : )
So on Sunday night at youth group we talked about it and started looking at possible names like:
Brother Sister Voices
R.A.D.-Rebles Against Darkness
Our Generation (That's Mine!)
Extreme Theopholias
Crazy 4 Christ
H.P.G. 2 Him-Honor,Power,Glory 2 Him
So we all voted and R.A.D.,Extreme Theopholias,H.P.G. 2 Him and Our Generation r still on the white board at church.The youth leaders will decide witch one they like best and will tell everybody at the next meeting.I wanna change mine 2: R Generation.
I hope they ether choose mine or R.A.D..


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Acquire the Fire .....Part 2

This is the 'Part 2 of 'Acquire the Fire'!
In other words:
This is part 2 of 'Acquire the Fire'!
Ok,I'm gonna make this fast,cause I have some news I can't waite 2 tell u!

~Acquire the Fire~
~Part 2~
We went back 2 our rooms with gaping mouths at the new hour we had to get up at in the morning.It should be illegal 2 wake up at such an ungodly time! J.K.

4:00am-My alarm on my Palm Pilot goes off and I reset it for 4:30.: )

4:30-I finally drag myself out of the warm covers and go 2 the closet where my back is 2 get my clothes and shower supplies.

4:50-I am told from outside the bathroom door that,"Hanna,we need 2 leave in 5 minuets!"That was when I went into a panic!

5:00-We all head out the door and get into the cars.
After 7 more ours of driving we finally arrive back at the church where the service is just about to end(this was a
Sunday morning).
11:00-We get back 2 the church and waite in the back 4 the parents 2 get out of the service.

1:00-We (my fam and I) get home and I sneak into my room,sit down in front of the tv with a box of Pringles and watch Emma.I fell asleep and woke up at 5pm still in front of the television.I was VERY happy 2 b home! : ) :) : )


So that was my trip 2 Grand Rapids! Last Sunday we all had 2 get up infront of the congregation and tell what our fav part was rite after they showed the minnie movie our youth pastor made of the trip.I almost died! : )

Ok,remember that thing I said I just could not waite 2 tell u?
It's gonna have 2 waite till tomorrow!Sorry,my muver wants me 2 finish my homework. We r home schoolers 4 those of u who don't know that already.

YH.B.Y-That means:Luv,

Monday, March 17, 2008

Yes,I Am Still Alive! : )

YesI am still alive!
In English:
Yes I am still alive!
Sorry it has been sssssssssssssoooooooooooooo long since I have posted!
First I had a busy week after A.T.F.(wich I will give u a full report on it in a minute),then I got sick,then came another full week.Somebody has got 2 talk 2 my muver about that! :)
So as u can c it has been a pretty buzy....uh....month since u all last heard from me.

Anyway,so much has happened!

~ Acquire the Fire~
~Part One~
12:35-All gather at C.C.F. (my church),pray 4 a safe trip there and back,every1 decides which car they will ride in and we all leave.
Mind u,we finally got 2 Grand Rapids after 6 hours of driving!
6:00pm-Arrive in Grand Rapids,drive 2 the building where concerts will be held.

6:30-Bathroom brake,find seats.

6:45-Concert starts with lots and lots of VERY LOUD MUSIC,and some speakers.

9:00-Arrive at the Hotel (HALLELUJAH!!!),all get in the shower,and r in jammys and asleep by 12:00.

6:30am-I wake up,chaperone and us girls talk 4 a wile,get dressed,make-up,and r ready by 7:30.

7:35-All gather at the boys hotel room and have breakfast,we found out wile we where there that the guys went swimming at 6 in the hotels enclosed swimming pool(I just about pounded them 4 not asking us 2 go!).

8:00-Arrive at the auditorium,get in seats.

8:35-Concert starts.

12:30-Lunch break,we go 2 T.J.I. Fridays and get back by 1:30.

1:45-Concert resumes.

5:00-Dinner break,we stay at the auditorium and get dinner there.

I need 2 put something here and then I rap up.
Saturday night was the most moving out of the hole time we where there!
All my friendies and I went down 2 the very front and where so moved I think almost all of us raised r hands!It was the kind of feeling u get that gets 2 the point where u can feel God moving in the room!!!!!!! It was sssssssssoooooooooo

7:30-Return 2 our seats.

9:30-Back at the hotel and meet again in the guys hotel room,our youth leader wanted 2 talk 2 us about the next morning when we where supposed 2 leave 4 home.He told us we where gonna have 2 leave at 4 instead of just between 5 and 6!

~To Be Continued~