Saturday, March 29, 2008

I LUVED 2DAY !!!!!!!!!

I LUVED 2DAY !!!!!!
Have u ever had 1 of those days where everything went just the way u hoped it would? And some very unexpected surprises happened 2? That was so totally my day!
Yay!!! lol
So first I woke up at 9.I washed my hair,did not have breakfast (but I didn't get hungry till much later),and was ready in time 2 go 2 the salon in town 2 get my eyebrows waxed.Yes it sounds horrid but it all went great!It didn't hurt as much and I didn't need the cooling gel that makes ur eyes all greasy lookin'.
then I came home,had a egg sandwich and o.j..Mmmmmmm.....
Mom and 2 of my sissies went 2 a party dad was coming home from doing something at the church in a sec and my bro made some really good mack&cheese.

At 4 mummy and I went shopping 4 some clothes at Wall Mart.We got a bunch of sweet stuff and got home at 6.

Now I'm home blogging.Duh.
4 dinner we r having pizza,salad and 4 desert ...*drum roll*...banana splits!!!!!!

So that ends my perfect day.I hope that ur day was as perfect as mine!



Jen said...

I had alot of fun at WalMart, too! Thanks for going and doing that little dance in the dressing room...You got moves.......;-))

Luv - Muver

The Girl Next Door said...

Hey Hanna,

Sounds like u had a lot of fun! And it's great u got to go shopping. My day was actually pretty good too.


Anonymous said...

sounds great ! my day was Ok !
well love ya tons
hannah !