Thursday, March 20, 2008

What Happend 2 My Palm Pilot...

Hey everybody!
So u can understand:
Hey everybody!
Rite now I'm listing 2 1 of my fav bands called Sanctus Real.
They r a really sweet band!The point of me telling u that is the fact that I'm listing 2 them on my Palm Pilot.The point of me telling u I'm listing 2 them on my Palm Pilot is 2 open up what I wanted 2 blog about.
Ok,so on Tuesday my dad was gonna put a movie on my Palm 4 me.
He had been playing around trying 2 figure it out when he said he was stuck.I came over and tapped on the 'home' button but nothing happened.Then my dad tried re-starting it.
That didn't work ether.By this time I kinda figured something' was wrong.
What was wrong was the fact that a few months be4 I had dropped it on r kitchen floor wile jumping.Nothing had appeared wrong afterwords,so I didn't think much about it.
Now I was thinking a whole lot about it!When we realized that the touch screen didn't work anymore we gave up...that is I gave up.Dad kept tinkering with it and got the thing 2 go home by pressing 1 of the oddest buttons.It was the 1 that u hit after u have completed a project on the task calender!Lol!
See u pretty much control everything by the touch screen.Except the music.So the music still works but I can't do anything else...
Now dad and I r looking 4 a new Palm.I don't want a new 1 but what's the point of a Palm Pilot that only plays music? U can do SO much with a Palm when the touch screen works!
U can play games,music,watch movies,beam memos and picks,draw,keep ur calender on it,keep phone numbers and on some u can even record!
My bro has 1 2 and he even offered his 2 me when mine busted!He is so sweet! Y



runnergirl© said...

I am sorry that your palm got broken, I hope you can get a new one

The Girl Next Door said...

Hey Hanna,

Sorry 'bout your palm. :( That really stinks. I would just DIE if my ipod broke! lol

Hope you get a new one very soon!
