Sunday, July 13, 2008

Good Church, Bad Shirt and NO PINK!!!!!

Good day at church. Really good, even though Hannah wasn't there. Everyone else was so that kinda made up for it. Notice: no text! I sort of decided to give that up since it was kinda stupid anyway.
Sooo watcha tink of the new layout??? I saw it on Pizzam! and loved it. It's so nice cause I don't have to just do pink with the font. So yeah...

News of the Week-
I am under restriction (of my own accord). Now; when I say 'restriction' I mean 'none allowed'. Now when I say 'none allowed' I mean 'no pink allowed'. And when I say 'no pink allowed' I mean: I am not allowed to buy any pink clothes for a whole year! Yay!!!! I know, I am ssssssssssooooooooooo proud of my self! lol So hopefully this will work because I do most of my shopping with my mom and she knows about this. Like when me and her went to Wal-Mart I saw this totally cut shirt I wanted to get. It was pink. And so I was given a stern "No." by sweet mummzee who knows me to well. =] So hopefully my wardrobe will consist of more than pink, pink, and more pink. Stuff like blues and gray, purple, green, yellow and orange will be added. So instead of the shirt I wanted to get I got a different one. It was a darling navy shirt. And I was gonna wear it to youth group...but I am destined to return it in a little while and get a different one. Trust me; you would have done the same with it if you where me. It fit so bad it actually made me cry! lol

In other news youth group is tonight. We are doing The Truth Project for the next few weeks. It's not really my fave but the speakers are good. What it is is basically a movie we watch and a whole bunch of different guys talk about how to know that our faith is really real. We get to sit in the sanctuary and watch it on the big screen that hangs from the wall. I am thinking about bringing my sketch pad while we watch it. It helps me to listen better and I can't sit for a long time without going nuts and wriggling in my seat to no end. lol Then we all go in the back and talk about it.

See most of you at youth group!


Lisa said...

I really like your new template and the picture of Max. He looks scary! Of course I know he's not. :)

Good luck on your no pink restriction. Have fun at youth group tonight.

Love, Mrs. K.

Jen said...

Taking your sketch pad is a great idea! You do get more in your head when you draw - always have.

I am glad you are choosing new colors, but I like you in pink. I went through a totally pink phase at 14 - stockings, shoes, everything. It was really bad.

Lvoe - Muver

runnergirl© said...

Hey piglet!

NO pink?!? whoa, you are going for the long long have you been doing this? Anyways, buy more orange. lol.

I don't get to go to youth group tonight, but I hope you have fun and learn a bunch!


Anonymous said...

You're so cute in pink! Does that mean we have to rename you Bluechicky? or Purplechicky, or Orangechicky? ha -you get the idea.

write_it_longhand said...

lol well, you know me: i'm all for removing pink from the world! haha not really; you're so adorable in pink!
in case it's not obvious from my inability to refrain from answering the questions, i'm really loving the Truth Project. i think if i ever meet Dr. Tackett, i'll have to hug him. :)
oh, and i did comment on that last blog! go see!
luv ya!
- Becca

Anonymous said...

nice... ur dog scares me and always will !!!!!!! now even more because of that pic gtg
