Monday, July 21, 2008

Planes, Atlanta, and Gods Plan....

Air flights. Gotta love 'em.
Maybe I shouldn't say that since I am preaching what I don't even follow. Yeah, I hate flights. Or at least I hate the flights that are canceled over and over and over and over again, and no one, who is supposed to be on that flight, is even told why.
I am saying this because Grandpa and Grandma Sherry where supposed to be on there way home at 10:42 this morning. Now (if all goes well) they will be home at 8:00pm. We had all planed to go to their house YESTERDAY and have a cookout and spend time with them until we got a call from Grandpa that their flight would be canceled until tomorrow (today). Then today we got a second call from him that they would be leaving at 8:45 and landing in Cleavland at 10:45. And again we got third a call that the flight for 8:45 was canceled and they would now be leaving at 11:00 and landing at 12:00. Didn't happen. Then we learned by Mrs. Regina C that the flight had been canceled indefinitely! Good Grief! Now I felt like crying. I almost did but restrained myself. So now, guess what they are gonna do. First it's all the way to Atlanta. Then from Atlanta it's gonna be another flight back here. And home. At 8:00. So at least for today there will be no cookout, no quality time with them and no going to pick them up as planned. At least not us kids. Not enough room in the van. When we had the church van we could all go, until we sold it to my Uncle Ernie's church. God is obviously not wanting us to go pick them up. And I'm not one to argue with Him. lol I keep hoping the reason for all this is to lead someone to Christ on the plan either to or from Atlanta. There is some reason why God is not allowing us to See them today. Even if we never get His plan, there must be one...some where.



The Girl Next Door said...

hey hanna,

man, that is sooo disappointing. =(
I can't believe their flight keeps on getting canceled.
But ur right. God DOES have a plan. All we have to do is trust in him. =D


runnergirl© said...

Hey piglet,

yikes. I am sorry for you. Airports/planes/flights can be a little too aggravating, but I love how you are looking at things through eyes of faith and expectancy. Hopefully you will be able to see them soon enough and still have the cookout that was planned! :]

I missed you at youth group. :( But, I will see you soon, so have a wonderful and blessed week! I will be praying for your Grandparents that a wonderful thing will happen because of God and His plan. =)

-Love ya. TIGGER...

Anonymous said...

hey hanna...
That stinks

Anonymous said...

Good for you that you are looking at a disappointing situation with and open heart that God's up to something. It's either to teach us something or to help someone somewhere! Keep the faith.