This is the 'Part 2 of 'Acquire the Fire'!
In other words:
This is part 2 of 'Acquire the Fire'!
Ok,I'm gonna make this fast,cause I have some news I can't waite 2 tell u!
~Acquire the Fire~
~Part 2~
We went back 2 our rooms with gaping mouths at the new hour we had to get up at in the morning.It should be illegal 2 wake up at such an ungodly time! J.K.
4:00am-My alarm on my Palm Pilot goes off and I reset it for 4:30.: )
4:30-I finally drag myself out of the warm covers and go 2 the closet where my back is 2 get my clothes and shower supplies.
4:50-I am told from outside the bathroom door that,"Hanna,we need 2 leave in 5 minuets!"That was when I went into a panic!
5:00-We all head out the door and get into the cars.
After 7 more ours of driving we finally arrive back at the church where the service is just about to end(this was a
Sunday morning).
11:00-We get back 2 the church and waite in the back 4 the parents 2 get out of the service.
1:00-We (my fam and I) get home and I sneak into my room,sit down in front of the tv with a box of Pringles and watch Emma.I fell asleep and woke up at 5pm still in front of the television.I was VERY happy 2 b home! : ) :) : )
So that was my trip 2 Grand Rapids! Last Sunday we all had 2 get up infront of the congregation and tell what our fav part was rite after they showed the minnie movie our youth pastor made of the trip.I almost died! : )
Ok,remember that thing I said I just could not waite 2 tell u?
It's gonna have 2 waite till tomorrow!Sorry,my muver wants me 2 finish my homework. We r home schoolers 4 those of u who don't know that already.
YH.B.Y-That means:Luv,
hey sweet you know some where i did that before =] =] lol
hannah l.
Sounds like fun! I wish I could have been there...
I can't wait to find out what this "important thing" you have to tell us is!
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