Yes, I forgave the dog.But get this!The day I posted that last entry Mazy went into my room again to check whether there was more or not!
My eyes are getting better. So that's good.
The perscripion was wayyyy to much so we got somthing else and now we think I'm allergic to it cause it made my eyes worse.Rite now muver is putting a cream on me that I don't remember the name of . The thing is that its got a steroid in it that (if I get it in my eyes) it'll cause cateracts later. So I freak wenever I scratch my face! Oh well.
My book is going good. I have writing class today and we ( my teach and I ) are going to work on it together some. So yeah.
I was up typing last night and got the first chapter done. If I was a faster typer than I am I pobably would have had it ALL typed before bed.
I still need to decide wether I am going to illustrate it or not.It's supposed to be a novella and even novels don't have pics in them.I could just do tiny sketches or something. I dunno.
The kids are waching Sesame Street in the living room ( sometimes I wonder how I could have possibly enjoyed that show ) , Mummy is making valentine cookies and I am blogging,duh! : )
G.T.G. My turn with the cookies! : )>
Fat Baby....urmmm. Yeah, well My brother Timmy and my sister Katherine all dressed up in our P.J.s when we were young. We stuffed out P.J.'s with pillows and blankets, and put binkies in our mouths ...we paraded around the house yelling "Fat Baby" and having "Baby Smack-downs." it was soooo funny.
But now it's embarressing!
I luv Miley Cyrus' voice!! It's soooo unique!
If you like Photography....check out my blog Hanna, I have a really pretty pic on there, you should see it. It's stunning!
Hey hannah,
that's good ur I's r getting better
well gtg
hannah l.
I can't wait to see you TOMORROW tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow....,okay I am shushing up.
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