Monday, March 31, 2008

A Very Funny And Kinda Gross Post (Don't eat wile u r reading or I'll never hear the end of it!)

Hey everybody!
Waz up?
Not much around here.
Except my Grandma Sherry,Muver,bro,8 yo.sis,6 yo. sis, 4 yo. sis and of course Urs Truly all went 2 the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo today.
A few very interesting things happened wile we where there...including lunches coming back 4 a last 'Farewell' (as u would call it),a hygiene ignorant chimp and a elephant who looked like he was either inviting his lunch 2 say a 'Farewell' or he was (in his dream) on a ship at Cape Horn and quite sea sick.

So...first we where almost 2 the Zoo when...I really hope ur not hungry...when 4 yo. sis created a mini fountain of a most lovely fragrance in the back seat where she had been eating lunch.Not anymore she wasn't! I felt sssssssssoooooooo bad 4 poor 9 yo. sis and bro! They where both on either side of her.Uhhhhh....!

Next when we where visiting the fish,gorillas,sloths chimps and so forth we met a very interesting chimpanzee who obviously had no regard 4 his health or the other monkeys and people watching.
He began 2 play with is very large,very pink and open- 2- everyone- and- there- brother rear. Yes really. He proceeded 2 run his long and black finger around,over,back and forth and in his 'u know what'.
I was mortified! Then of course all my wonderful little sibs started shouting,"Mom! That monkey has his finger in his bum!" Kill me now! lol
Never mind,on 2 the next subject! *clearing of throat*

Then a little be4 we left we all decided 2 head on over 2 c the elephants.
We noticed a very strange thing.
A elephant was standing in 1 spot looking a little ...well...lets just say...far off.
He/She was moving his/her head first 4ward then down.Over and over and over and over again. Almost looking as if he/she was going 2 allow his/her last meal c the world 1 last time be4 being digested.We went in2 the building 2 look at the boring hippo,and like...what...3 turtles.When we got out the elli. was still sanding there doing the same thing. Odd.

Ok now that I have totally grossed u all out I'm gonna go 2 bed.



Anonymous said...

Hey Little Chick,
This is way too funny and very accurate. Having been through the experience with you I had to laugh. The smell is still with me.
Like the new color of the blog, although when you use the blue ink, I can't read it so have to highlight so the print shows up for these old eyes to read.
Love you, Grandma S

The Girl Next Door said...

EWWWW!!! That is sooooo gross!!=P But it's awesome u got to go to the zoo.

Luv me,
~Ashawee :)

♥Miss Writer said...

GR-OOOOOHHHHH-SSSSS! Eww, Hanna! Shame on that Monkey!
It's been forever since I went to the Zoo, and I don't think I'll be going there soon, at least not now.

runnergirl© said...

hey hanna,
just seeing how you are doing.
and that monkey, can't say much!
bahahaha, see you on sunday!
much love, melissa

Anonymous said...

All i can say is WWWOOOOWWW ~~~ lol that's gross !! lol
i didn't understand untill the middle of ur blog what was go n on ! oh well
hannah ~!

Anonymous said...

hey check your e-mail !!! :-)
hannah l.