Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hello all my blog readers!
That's called Webdings.I've been dying to use it!
This is what it said:
Hello all my blog readers!
Simple isn't it? Funny how it looks soooo much more complicated in Webdings!
I think maybe I'll put a key down at the bottom and you all can use it to 'simplify' the next post! : )

Acquire the Fire is in 77777777 days,8 hours and 60 seconds!!!!!! I think.....

Every day my excitement mounts! Like you haven't noticed!: )))))))
Suddenly I have been thinking a little more about the outfits I'm gonna wear.
I decided I'll wear my jeans to Grand Rapids,and then I'll wear my hot pink comfy pants there (I'm actually wearing them now!). *thanks Tigger I luv 'em!*
Some of my friendies STILL don't know what the heck they are going to wear!!!
AHHHHHHHH!!!! Don't they know it's part of the code of honor for a girl to plan what they will have on a month before?!?! *see?I told ya I'm perfect!*

Muver and Pop are going on a double date with the youth leaders at our church.
I think they are gonna go to Olive Garden.My Grandma Judy is watching us.I don't really like babysitting at night.
BUT!!! I do have a peep who is interested in me babysitting her kids! Yay Me! : )
Mom says she would be happy to let me do it cause they really like each other (but she also really likes her house cause the kitchen is red!).

I have to go! Let me know about the Webdings!



runnergirl© said...

hey darling, i missed you at fair maidens. I will see you tomorrow!
♥ melissa

Anonymous said...

Hey hello!
girls also are (sometimes) suppose to NEVER know what to wear!! haven't you ever heard a guy say that?? they useily say it like this!( O MY GOSH girls are always late because they LIKE never LIKE know LIKE What to WEAR LOL) LOL LOL LOOL LOL ! so yeah ( and your not perfect i am the only one's who's PERFECT so to bad LOL !!! LOVE YA !! =] =] =] =] =] ( i finally found out were this ] button was LOL it took beabout 5 times look n till i found it LOL
well gtg!
hannah L .

Anonymous said...

Hope you had fun at the car show! did you c my dad, stephen,josh , isaac there??
well gtg
hannah L

The Girl Next Door said...

Hey Hanna!

Ok, I have FINALLY started thinking about ATF. I know, I know...I'm cutting it kinda close. lol

Anyway c u in 3 days!!!! =D

Your excited friend,

Esther_B said...

Hi! LOL-I like your theory on clothes outfits :)
My name is Esther, and I'm 19. I actually work with the Acquire the Fire and go to their internship (called the Honor Academy). Is this the first time you've been to an ATF event? I'm so pumped that you're excited about going! Let me know how you like it!