Thursday, December 31, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Year's everyone!

Sorry not to see you all, we usually stay at home, watch a special movie, have a ton of junk food, and make a toast with sparkling grape juice (I know - original, right? *lol*) and do a talk about our family and personal New Years resolutions. We have a great time, but I miss you all!!!!!!

Goin' to watch the Ball Drop!!!!!!!!!!! *woohoo!*

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Christmas....

Woohoo! My Christmas was great! And we even got a WHITE one this year, though it did rain all day. *sigh* But, it was lovely! This year I did not ask nor receive any electronics, but I'm fine with that. I got lots of other awesome things! Let's see...

I got some clothes,
a pair of pink shoes,
a Breyer horse for my room,
a pink hairdryer,
a devotional,
a totally cute thermos cup,
a purity necklace,

And some other stuff, but I can never remember everything unless it's sitting in front of me anyway. *lol* Hopefully in the next couple of days Mum and I will be heading out to get the rest of my Christmas gifts. I had asked for tall boots and a dressage whip but the boots have to be sized right and Mum couldn't decide which whip to get me. *lol* That's okay. I won't mind picking them out myself!

Gotta go and put stuff away! - Hanna P.S. Let me know how your Christmas went!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Remembering Mary....

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I've been thinking about this season a little deeper the last few weeks, but not from the usual point of view - how wonderful and amazing it is that the Holy One came down to humble humanity and made himself into man. Although the story of the Incarnation is amazing and humbling, that is not where my thoughts have been this Christmas season. Instead, I've realized the fact that I am fifteen and, in actuality, Mary was between 14 and 16 when she found herself carrying the Most High and in circumstances that in most respects would be shameful to a young girl of that age now. However, for Mary (and Mary alone) this was no shameful pregnancy. Yes, she was probably humiliated at the way that her friends, relatives, and acquaintances treated her after she returned from Elizabeth's home, but she, Joseph, and yes, even God, knew that she was still a pure virgin of no wrong doing.

The point that I want to bring up to my readers is this: imagine yourself in Mary's position. She was young, unmarried, and here she is with child. Not exactly what you would call a circumstance to brighten her reputation, huh? If I where she, I think I would be horribly afraid of the unknown, lonely, and vulnerable. On the other hand, I might feel privileged to be given the honor of the most precious gift to mankind.

And then there is what she was going to do about it. After a glorious encounter with an angel, she probably didn't walk up to her parents in a daze and said, "Oh, just so you know, I'm pregnant, and, oh yeah, don't flip out cuz I'm still a virgin and it was the Holy Spirit, so talk to God." Nope, probably not. And her parents probably didn't react like this: "Gosh, Mary, this is great! You have been privileged by God himself and you're STILL a virgin? Whoa!" Nah. The reaction was probably any like parent would have at the shocking news - and more. They where probably angry, disappointed, and disbelieving. Let's face it, a child being conceived by the holy spirit by a virgin isn't very convincing is it? So, poor Mary, probably felt stuck between her fear and what her family and friends thought of her. But, God had a plan, and at least Joseph and Elizabeth believed her. And, if Mary was the God-fearing girl that I know she was, she leaned completely on her Lord and His never ending love. She was blameless to God and any other opinions where meaningless compared to His.

So, this Christmas, don't only marvel at what God has done for us and the miracle of the Incarnation, but also remember Mary, the young, vulnerable, and pure virgin who risked her reputation to bring the One into the world.

God bless!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

You are a Horse Person If.....

1. You walk around the house with a measuring stick or hairbrush, slapping yourself on the hip like a crop.

2. You begin to hyperventilate when your sweeping and find a stone on the floor.

3. A grocery bag begins to fall and you squeal and rush to stop it before somebody spooks.

4. You have actually thought about trying to get your dog on a lunge line just to see if it would work.

5. When you where little you really truly ate the grass in your back yard behind your mother's back and rear when a sibling comes to "catch" you.

6. You sit in bed at night practicing you posting skills.

7. Two years ago you pretended to have your own horse who galloped at lightning speed beside your car. Okay, her name was Chestnut and she was....duh....Chestnut.

8. You get yelled at for sitting at the computer and watching dressage, hunter jumper, cross country, and polo videos for house on end.

9. You get nervous before every virtual horse show in a computer game.

10. You talk to your most favorite horse in the world while you groom her.

11. You smile and sigh as soon as your in the saddle again every week even if last weeks lesson was crummy just because it feels good to be on top of a horse again.

12. You swear that horses necks where made for hugging and do it every time you get the chance.

These are a horsewoman's confessions. Mine, to be honest. :)


Friday, December 18, 2009

Perfect Creation.....

Yesterday as I was preparing myself to go and get my pictures taken for a photo contest I realized a very important thing and felt impressed to post it.

Almost every person in the world - particularly in America - tries as one point or another to look like the people on the magazine covers or in the movie releases. We don't think of ourselves as beautiful enough to go out looking the way we are - always trying to alter what God as made us to be. I'm not saying that we should be condemned for washing our hair, putting makeup on, or wearing jewelry, but when people feel like they need plastic surgery just because they don't like the way they are, or when people cut their tongues or ears because they think that it looks better or because they want to look like animals, that is sin. God made you the way you are, and God made animals the way they are - there is no getting around it. Now, sometimes you may be thinking: "But I want to look like so-and-so, she is beautiful." By whose standards? Yes, she may be beautiful, but that is the work of God. Actually, some is the temporary work of man, Ever heard of airbrushing? Photoshop? What you think of as beautiful is what the world tells you is beautiful. What God thinks of as beautiful, is exactly what you are. He made all of this with His own hands His own design. Even people who are born with deformities are beautiful and even perfect. There is no such thing as imperfect looks. God is perfect. He does not make mistakes because He is perfect. If He does not make mistakes - then He made us all exactly the way He wanted us to be. Sometimes it may be something that you think is imperfect about you - your ears are too pointy or too big, your waist may be bigger than most, your eyes are not the right color, your hair won't do whatever is in. Just remember that He has made you perfect. Absolutely.
"For I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday, Rilly Billy!!!!

Happy 6th Birthday, Rilla Anne!

Today is my little sisters 6th birthday. Most of you know her, I think. That adorable, brown eyed, long haired, laughing kiddo who stops you in the hall every Sunday and tells you a random joke? Yeah, that's her! Marilla, the kid who has such a strong sense of killer humor that you laugh at the never ending joke: "Knock, knock! Who's there? Banana! Banana who? Banana - my name is not ANNA!" Hu?

Yeah, well, today is her birthday! So, if you will, give a happy birthday wish to her. She deserves it in return for all of the laughs, smiles, memories and her "Rillaisms".


- Big Sis Y

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Sweet 16th, Ashawe! *lol*

YYYHappy (Belated) Sweet 16th, Ashley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YYY

You are an awesome, amazing, friendly, talented 16-year-old! I'm so blessed by you every Sunday (or whenever your around!). You're easy to talk to and relate to and that is a very hard thing to find nowadays....somebody to talk to - not to hear the latest gossip. : ) Thanks for being you!

And btw - I was a bad friend. I forgot your birthday date, and I had my mom ask your mom and I mom forgot to tell me. Sorry 'bout that!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Confessions of a Sick & Busy Girl....

I confess that I have not posted since October 5th and it is now November 4th. Two good reasons for this: I started something called The Little Lounge which is a sight just for home schooled kids. The "mommy version" (if you want to call it) is The Homeschool Lounge. It's something like Facebook....only, as my mom puts it: "There is more meaning to it all." There are games, a chat room, forums, discussions, invites, contests, basicly that kinda stuff. I'm really liking it and that's partly the reason why I've been on there more than Blogger.

The other reason is that I've had something seemingly close to H1N1 since Sunday all the way up until last night. Lele, Nate, and Muver had a touch of it also but it wasn't as bad as the way I felt. I couldn't go to work, I couldn't ride, and I didn't go to tutoring....all of which I cried over except the latter. *lol* I had a fever of 102.6, my skin hurt, I had a headache, I was dizzy when I stood up, my lower back hurt really bad, my throte was scratchy and sore, and I wanted to sleep but it took forever to get there! So, my daddy who is the best, went to the store and picked up Canada Dry, pudding, and sherbet, just like I had asked. Mommy took great care of me, Liddy cleaned my room AND made my bed (I've thought about hiring her full time *lol*), and Lele got me my water, and offered me Snuggles....could somebody tell me where Leah went? *lol* Anyway, I felt crappy last night after taking care of the pigs and fell asleep right away. I woke up this morning and felt like a new woman! My fever is gone, my skin feels normal, my headache has been thrown into the abyss, but, granted, my throte still hurts.

Chicken soup doesn't cure all things (unless it's Cambel's), but chocolate pudding, sherbet, and Canada Dry does! So, could you all pray for Lele, cuz she feels worse today. You could also pray that we can get our swine flu vaccinations very soon. We where supposed to get them this morning but they don't let sick people come in and the vaccination is running out.

Love ya all!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Really Quick, Really Busy!

Well, today was interesting. I got up this morning about 8:00 and was ready by 9:40. Then, Mum and I went to the cardiologist for an appointment. My heart lately has been raising mostly for no known reason so we wanted to check it out. The doc thinks that I have been drinking too much coffee, and not eating enough salty foods or drinking enough water. That checks out.

I soon returned home and squashed lunch into a half hour time frame. Then I had to leave once again for tutoring. I got home at 3 something and finished some chores and fun, happy stuff like that.

I got to ride yesterday. But I can't ride for most of the month cuz Mrs.Love will be gone to places like Italy, Florida, and the Bahamas. I wish I could go with her. *lol* Karen (old barn manager) will be house sitting so I'll get to see her.

Oh, and I'm babysitting tonight so I'll have some moola in my empty wallet! I like that....a lot.

-Hanna Liz

Thursday, September 24, 2009

One Year and Four Days Ago Today....

Woohoo! Since Sep. 20th we have had the guinea pigs for one year and four days! If you look back to the September 20, 2008 post you can see pics of Gilbert and Snuggles in their new home being held by their "new moms". *lol*

The night before we where up late preparing for the newest members of the household. We read out computer instructions and cavy books about how to make their cage up. We figured out their water bottle, arranged and rearranged the tube and wood house, decided where to put the feed dish, stuffed teddy, and toilet-paper tubes. Earlier in the day we went out and bought everything from the pet store with the exception of the cage which we got from some church who didn't need it. This was a blessing because cages even near the size of the one we have are $150+.

I remember going into the house where they where born, and seeing their cage along with some other relative (don't ask me who). Leah, Mom, and I where so tickled to hear their weeks, and grumbles, purrs, and chutts. They where very soon grabbed (and I do mean grabbed) by the son of the family and plopped into a cardboard box that was either toted along by us or furnished by the family - don't remember. We heard them give the alarm call and soon the room was filled with "awwwws" from us, of course. Some bedding, newspaper, hay, and pellets where thrown in to make them more comfortable. The mother of the family talked to us about guinea care and the vet- something we never thought about. Unfortunately, because guinea pigs are originally from the Andes, they are considered foreign pets and so are expensive in the vet's office. With that in mind, their are actually people who give their sows c-sections!! :O

Anyway, on the way home, Lele had to hold them stationary on the seat next to her because they where so freaked out that the lid was gonna pop off any second and we didn't want that. We soon got them home and got them settled. Through out the rest of the day they where watched as they discovered new hidy holes, food, their water bottle and various little toys. Snuggles was named right away because when Lele held him for the first time, he snuggled his little black head into the crook in her arm, hence the name Snuggles. The was gonna be named Piglet, gut it didn't suit him in the least. Gilbert was unnamed until that evening. I was watching him and thinking of various names when all of a sudden that name popped in my head. You see, it took so long for us to find names for them because we had always thought that we where gonna get girls, but we got boys instead, so it took some extra thought.

Anyway, I'm sorry I must end this so abruptly, but I must go and get ready for the day before it's to late and I'm yelled at! ; )

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Of School & Haircuts

Yesterday was our first day of school, and it actually went pretty good. For those of you who are confused because Tuesday was supposed to be our first day - it was more like we where all at the table with Mumzee-Darling, and she explained what the year was gonna look like. We also started some of our reading and got acquainted with our new books and programs. I liked that idea better than when we had just jumped into it all with cold feet. *lol* Not really.

So, Wednesday was our really, and truly first day of school. We met at the table once again and talked about our day, then Mum made out papers for Nate, Lele, and Yours Truly. So while we olders searched for a place to seal our doom the littles had their first reading lesson and got all upset when they where done because they wanted to do another one (I'm now attempting to talk, type and keep Rilla from falling off of my lap...=] ). Anyway, it was a good day and now we must move onto today.

Later Lele is going to BestCuts to get a new hair cut. She says that she is going to "grow out my bangs and have them like Hanna's, and I want to get a haircut like hers today too!" I know, I'm popular, or in my home at least! *lol* (To be completely honest, I hate my bangs, and I'm growing them out.....again.) I asked my mom if I could go along and get mine done too because I found a new cut that I like, but apparently she's gonna take Lele first to see "how they do". For once I don't have to be the guinea pig! *lol*

- Hanna Liz Y

Friday, August 28, 2009

Crazy Days

Whoa, talk about crazy weekend! Friday night I went to a bonfire at the youth pastor's house. That was allot of fun; his wife, a friend of mine and me sat in the kitchen and talked our heads off and told hilarious stories. Before that we watched slide shows of a couple of girls who went on mission trips and played games out in the dark and roasted marshmallows.

On Saturday, we didn't go anywhere but we all had a load of accomplishments for the day.

Sunday was a mix of church events. I helped in the Sunday school class, then we left for home (a bit later than the norm). I was on the computer for most of the day and then Mum & Daddy left to prepare for a meeting at the church. I got to watch my sibs. : ) I got the five minute reminder from Rilla Anne. "Hanna, I'm hungry." Five minutes later: "Hanna, I'm hungry." I couldn't remember the last time that I couldn't get a kid to shut up. Now I can.

Monday, a member of our church died who had been coming before my grandpa became the pastor. Yesterday (Thursday) was her funeral. It is the strangest feeling when you look at a person who was the person whom you knew but now ia alien and quiet beyond compare. Not only that, but it's NOT them. It's their spirit and soul that make them who they are. Once those thing have left them, they are a nobody. There where many things I could not do yesterday. I did not go for the visitations. I did not give my last regards. I did not go to the graveside service. The first was because we had to take my little sibs to my grandma's, the second because I did not want to look on something that could not hear me nor respond. It scared me, to say it blatantly. I did not go to the graveside service because I could not watch someone I once knew be buried under ground. It struck me that it was a real person who would be in a box and under five feet of earth never to come out again or be seen by human eyes. It sounds so odd, but it's true. I instead went with my mom, brother and sister to prepare for the dinner. I helped and later found myself feeling incredibly drained.

It's been an interesting couple of days. Today should be just the same after I leave for a babysitting job and then go and clean the church. Oh joy.

- Hanna Liz

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Sheriff On Our Street Is Like Zac Effron in Middlefeild...

Okay so I'm gonna post something very interesting even though I know no one will comment (or even read, for that matter) because you're all about Facebook now. I'm not joking.

Our after-dinner devos where almost finished when we saw a little car and a Sheriff's car pull up with flashing lights. A Sheriff on our street is like Zac Effron in Middlefeild. *haha* We all got up and stared out the window with "ooh"s and "ahhh"s coming from every mouth. The Sheriff (a woman) got out and started talking to the "bad boy" driver. Eventually she left him and got back in the car. We later guessed that she was calling for backup because very soon, two more cops pulled up and got out.

Our neighbors had just returned home after going out for dinner so they where still outside while all this was happening. We watched and watched and watched like the nosy neighbors we are....and then....we saw it. "It" was the handcuffs being clicked onto the "sinful son's" wrists! The whole house was filled with commotion as all seven of us crowded around the front window to watch a real, live, arrest....on OUR quiet street! Very soon Mom decided to visit with Mrs.B (our neighbor) and Dad, me, my sibs, the B kids, and Mr.B where close behind. All us kids where shooed to the front porch but somehow through my witt and skill I ended up with the adults to listen in.....*mooohaahaa*

We watched in amazement as one cop shook out the kids pants...and even pulled them off. I wonder what it's like to stand for all the world to see in your be completely honest, I would rather not find out. First, because I don't wear boxers (and for good reason), and second because I happen to like to wear pants when I'm not wearing a skirt. I have more reasons but I think two are enough. : D

Anyway, later we went back inside and soon got a call from Mrs.B telling us about what happened. They have connections and their house was directly in front of the cops and criminal. Apparently, this kid does not have a driver's licence. His mom was called by the cops and she said that she did not know that he had a car. The car that he was driving was actually his girlfriend's and so they arrested her too. But....when they searched his car they found 16 bags of heroine inside. (!!!!!!) That was enough to send him to the police department along with his girlfriend. They all eventually left and hopefully there will be something in the paper about it. If there is I'll be sure to give you the details.

- Hanna Liz Y

Friday, July 31, 2009

Prayer for Suggles & Gilbert

Hello everyone.

I need as many people as I can get to pray for Snuggles, Leah's guinea pig. I found a big inflamed, hairless spot on his side this morning ad it freaked the daylights out of me. We are gonna do everything we can to get him and Gilbert to the vet before Monday. We also need prayer that we will be able to pay the $80 + for them. They are very expensive to take to the vet because they are considered exotic pets.

Please pray and leave comments!

- Hanna Liz

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rainy, Cozy, and Free to Finish What I Have Started...

Monday I went to work. Mucked, groomed, lunged, led, talked, and watched Karen worm WiFi. They put a banana-smelling white paste in a tube that looks like a shot but without the needle. Then they check to make sure that there is no hay in the horses mouth. Next, they stick the tube into the corner of their mouth where the gab between their teeth are. They then push all the paste in and then hold the horses head up so that they cannot lower their head and spit it all out. Cool but disgusting.

Then I rode and was still off of the lunge line for the last week. I'm gonna try my hand and cantering....(!!!!) I know it sounds stupid but I'm deathly scared because I never got that far in any riding lessons. I cantered once, but only for a few paces and on accident. Mrs.Love says that I think too much about it so then I get nervous and do something wrong. Which, dare I say it, is true.

Anyway, today is supposed to rain all day long. That is good and bad for a number of reasons.

#1 The pigs need their cage cleaned but I can't do it in the rain.
#2 I have to wash a breeches, jeans and such but I'll have to hang it all inside.
#3 I LOVE to write in the rain and it is so cozy!
#4 I'm home all day with the rain and can do anythingthat I want to without having to worry about going anywhere! Woohoo!

Those two first ones are bad and the last two are good. Now I need to scoot. The dogs, pigs, and laundry are waiting to get done and my characters are complaining because most don't actually exist yet and apparently I'm taking too long getting them there! *lol*

- Hanna Liz

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Prayer request...

Hey everyone. I work tomorrow and need your prayer. I'm kinda nervous because I need to talk to someone about something but I don't know how it will come across. I'd like it if you could just pray that I'll speak the right words without looking like a goody-to-shoes. Thanks, guys!

- Hanna Liz

Monday, July 13, 2009

Today At Work...

Hello all! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been drowned in work and not allot of you have been part of the blogging world....Facebook has taken over most of you.

I went to work today - actually I'm still in my riding stuff and desperately need to get into the shower. I've been on the lunge line since I started - about two months ago. Three weeks ago, Mrs.Love started to take me off the lunge line at the very end for a little bit. Then today she let me off for the whole lesson because she thought I was ready. It was very exciting. Mostly what we did was trot work, two point, thigh stretches, and all that fun stuff. I had so much fun because I was totally in control of Whitney - the Hanoverian mare I ride. Mrs.Love says that I have improved allot, and I actually feel like it! Whitney is very smooth and likes to share her slobber with you after the ride! *lol*

Later, we took the stallions (Rondez and Relly) out into the indoor and free lunged them, then put some tack on 'em and put them on the lunge line as well. Neither are broken in yet, so Mrs.Love will have someone come in and do that. They are doing pretty well, though with the tack and Rondez has already had someone on his back twice, but not while moving. Relly is a pistol of a stallion, though. he has not had anyone on him....yet.

Well, I need to go. Dinner, the shower, and an attempt to get daddy to let mom and I out for a blizzard are waiting!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Life of Late.....

Mum and daddy are having an 'all day date' today. Grandma Sherry is coming to watch us till 4 and then my daddy's mum is coming to watch us till they get home. We are having tacos for dinner (yyyyuuuummmmm).

I went to work on Thursday and had more fun and sort-of-scary-experiences than ever before! First, I led Wifi and Whitney to the pasture. Wifi was fine, but when I took Whit out, she got giddy because she had been at grass for the last few days because of rain. As I was trying to untangle the chain in the lead rope from her halter, she threw her head up and backed up. Fortunately, I still had a hold of her lead rope and pulled her back down. I got the chain from under the nose band and let 'er go. She cantered off and rolled in the dust. *lol* My finger had gotten caught in the chain (ouch) and it got swelled and now it's a bit bruised.

Later I got in my breeches (I forgot my gloves which really irritated me), and Mrs. Love, Whitney, and I headed for the indoor arena. We walked for a bit, then she said, "Okedoky, lets trot!" My hands got clammy because I have not trotted for a lllooonnnnggggg time. I'm pretty rusty! However, I held on for dear life and did my best to post. I was surprised when I stopped and she complimented me on how I Iooked! = D Well, then she says: "Now I'm gonna take away your rains." I stared at her. "Uhhh. How come?" She explained that she wanted me to have 'independent body parts'. In other words, one arm needs to be able to do one thing without the other doing the same and so on. So she took them away, and I trotted while holding onto a special strap in the saddle. Let me tell you, I was holding on for dear life! *lol* A bit later she decided to take it one step further. I was now to ride with only one hand! My posting became very difficult and my stirrups just then decided to move around to where they where not supposed to be. That was a good day, though!

Uhhhh! I'm so totally dying for a late night party! I wanna do something like a drive in movie and a fire in the backyard.....the wheels are turning.....

Has anybody seen the movie Miss Potter??? I love it!!!!!!!!!!! We got it from Netflix the other day and we watched it like a zillion times! You gotta see it. There is no profanity and no swear words with the exception of one that is buried in a meeting. See it anyway, it's goooodd!

- hanna liz Y

Monday, June 1, 2009

What Big Sisters Are For....

Well, I got out of the shower this morning, and Lele told me that Nate's little rainbow crab that he just got a few weeks ago had died. He named him Pepper (because he thought that it sounded cute), and loved the thing to his bone. I don't know if they actually have bones, I was just using the expression. =] Anyway, I looked out of the front window and saw Nate digging a tiny hole by one of the trees by the road. Mom told me that he had cried, but just a teeny bit. I felt really bad for Nate, and we where soon all gathered around my bro and helped him out. Yes, I did catch myself wrestling with my pride, and threw a few cautious glances behind me toward the road. But then I stopped and thought, this is my brother who just lost his first pet, and is sad. If I had lost Gilbert, would my brother and sisters all stand around and refuse to help me feel better? No, of course not! Therefor, I stayed and hugged little bro and even put some flowers on the crabs grave. Yes, I felt dorky, but I think that I did the right thing. What are big sisters for, right?

Later Nate and Mum are going to the pet store to get two female crabs, of which Nater has already named Sarah and Liz.

- Hanna Liz Y

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday, Lydia!!!!!!

Happy 8th Birthday, Lydia!!!!!!!!!
Only 8 years ago your brother, sisters, grandmas, and grandpas where sitting in the waiting room, excited to see their third sister for the first time. We had no idea what fun, excitement, and energy would radiate from you as the years passed. You have kept us all on our toes quite consistently, and thank goodness for that because you prepared us for yet another sister. I love you very much, Lid Bit! Happy Birthday!!!!!!
- Big Sister

Friday, May 22, 2009

My First Day On the Job!

Yesterday was my first day on the job! (Mrs.Love had to move it ahead because Thursday was better for her.)

I woke with gusto at seven, hopped in and out of the shower, put my hair up, put on makeup, and ate - all before 8:40. Just for the record, I wore my ATF t-shirt from the first year, jeans, and my polished paddock boots. Mrs. Love noticed the boots and said that they looked almost newer than her new ones! *lol*
Mom dropped me off at exactly 9 am and left soon afterward. Mrs. Love ran over what I was gonna be shown today and then left for Heinen's to pick up some stuff for the stable's fridge. Karen (the stable manager) and I worked on mucking out all seven of the stalls while she was gone, and we each told the other about how we had found the farm and our families the Bryer horses we played with as little kids. I thought it was funny that we each kept our horses in their own stable, with their own information sheet hanging on the stable door! *lol*
I visited with each of the real horses. I know all their names now:

Botchie ( short for something - I don't know what)
Relly (short for Relentless Love)
Wildfire (known as WiFi, *lol* )
Whitney ( or Whit )
Rondevous (I don't know his nickname)

and Chloe and Jimmy, two boarding jumpers.

When Mrs. Love came back, Karen and I where having lunch. As soon as she had dropped off the stuff, she visited and then had to leave for a hair cut. So then, Karen went over how to groom WiFi and all that fun stuff. I love that mare! I can hug her around the neck just like I do with Max, and she just soaks it all in! So we did that, and then headed to the tack room and started cleaning the tack. We then talked allot about our past riding teachers. As I was cleaning up a saddle, Mrs. Love returned in breeches, a riding shirt, and paddock boots. I felt really dorky in my dusty jeans and boots. This week is when Mum and I will get my helmet and breeches, woohoo! I left with Mrs. L and she lead Whitney out of her stall and down the hall where the baths, grooming, and tacking up take place. We tied her up to the leads on the wall and groomed Whitney within and inch of her life. I picked out her hoofs and then Mrs. Love showed me how to tack her up. Then we went out to the indoor riding arena and Mrs. L put the mare on the lunge lead and I watched from a distance.
After about a half and an hour of that,we took her back inside and hosed her down and picked out her hoofs again. Then mom showed up to take me home to a much needed shower and dinner. : )

Next week, I'll begin to ride. Hopefully Mom can get some pics and I'll post 'em.

Toodles - Hanna liz

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In Preperation....

Okay, okay.
We ended up not going yesterday because I felt ummmm.....crampy. We really didn't need the breeches this week anyway because I won't be riding. I'm just gonna get to know Whitney first. I'll feel more comfortable that way after I know her and she knows me. I did however rinse and polish those paddock boots today. They where pretty gross before, but now they look pretty close to new!
Toodles - Hanna Liz Y

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Leaving Today 4 Clothes!

Mum and I are leaving for a couple of stores that we found today! I'm hoping to find a black velveteen helmet: my fave! Tan jodhpurs or breeches are on our list too; and hopefully some gloves and half chaps, but I'm not counting on either. Then I'm spending the night at my Grandma Sherry's! Woohoo!
- Hanna Liz Y

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Best Blessing!

If you have been reading my mum's blog (which not a whole lot of people have, thanks to Facebook), you would have read that I got a position as a stable hand at a horse farm near us. We know the family, though not very well, and noticed that they where building an indoor riding arena on their property. Last week a notice went up at our church saying that this same family was looking to hire a new stable manager because their old one felt that God had other plans for her and was resigning. We got their number and my mom asked her if she needed a hand as well. At first, the lady (Mrs. Love) said that she had never thought about it but that she wanted to hear more. So Mom told her about me, my love of horses, and that I had been hoping to begin a to work with them. When Mom told her that we home schooled that boosted her interest. They talked for at least a half an hour and then mom sent her a pic of me and some character references. We made up our minds that we had been waiting for a year for something like this to come up and that we could wait a little longer to find out what the Lord's will was. Well, we found out much sooner than expected because the next day during school, we got another call from Mrs. Love and she asked if Mom and I could come down to her farm and do a tour of the stables! I was dumbfounded and so nervous that I could not eat my lunch for fear of getting sick! *lol* We left about 3:30 and drove down while Nathan watched the sibs. We got their and prayed in the car, then finally got out. I had seen the farm from the road so many times but I never dreamed that I would get to see the inside of it. I was not disappointed. We found Mrs. Love who immediately made me feel as though I had known her all my life and she took us to see all of her horses, the tack room, and even the room where they had a washer and dryer, mini kitchen, couch and huge flat screen tv. She explained that they had cameras set up around the paddocks and stables so that when a mare was foaling they could watch from inside. She said that mares are very private about foaling so they had to waite until the placenta could be seen so that the mare would not stop the labor. I thought that was pretty ingenious! Anyway, the horses where lovely, especially a chestnut colt we met. He and another colt are supposed to be broken in this summer, something I hope to get to watch!

I am going to be working to exchange my wok hours for riding lessons. I have already met the mare I'll be riding. She used to be a dressage show horse when she was younger. Her name is Whitney, and she is the most beautiful dark brown you have ever seen. The stables themselves are so clean you don't even feel like you have been around horses when you leave. I'll be working their on Fridays until school lets out from 9-4. Then during the summer I'll be there twice a week. Mrs. Love will be teaching me to ride English style and she even wants Mom and Dad to get breeches, a helmet, gloves, and half chaps of my own! The stable manager who is resigning gave me a pair of paddock boots size 71/2 that are in good shape except for a few holes in the back that we will get repaired at a shop somewhere. I'm so exited and so blessed!

Have a good day!
~ Hanna Liz Y

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hotels, Lovely Early Hours, and POOLS!

Sometimes the best part about vacation is the hotels, right? Sometimes they can be really crappy and sometimes they can be even better than you expected. I'm hoping for the latter this week. My totally awesome super mom managed to get us a hotel suite that has a family room with a roll out and a seperate bedroom with two queen-sized beds! The other hotel room we are gonna be at the second night has an in-door, heated pool!!! I actually asked mumzee darling to look for a pool! So, I'm gonna take my bathing suit and jump in as soom as we get there. We are leaving at like, 5 am which thrills me to no end. I know, I'm weird right? I know! But I love leaving before the sun is up and the lights of the town have been switched on. Everything is so dark and silent and peaceful. Love it.

G2G, we are having pancakes and bacon and eggs and hashbrowns....something I haven't had for ages. Anyway, have a good week and see yall Sunday!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy Sweet 16th, Tigger!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Sweet 16th, Tigger!!!!!
Hey, you awesome, funny, totally hiper girl!
You are almost a legal driver! Everybody off the road! *lol*
Tigger, we have had some fun times together and I am sssooo thankful for them all. No matter what the odds, lifting tables into sinks or crashing four wheelers into trees, you have managed to serve the people around you with diligence and a good sense of humor!
Thank you for being my friend, Tigger-darling!
- Piglet

Saturday, April 18, 2009

~First Look At The Green World~

And yet, more pig stories! *lol*
So today was another big day for for both Gilbert (whom I have finally chosen a middle name for: Blythe), and Snuggles. Well, the highs where in the seventies so we decided to take them out for their fist look at the green world. Once we brought out the top of their cage and got 'em under it, they discovered the wonderful delight of grazing! I loved to watch Gilbert; he was like a teeny, little horse! He chewed in one spot and then moved to another. It was adorable! They where also stuffed with lettuce, carrots, apple, and a couple daisies which they enjoyed. I then stuck them in Max's cage while I cleaned out their own cage. They are now resting from all the excitement....and getting ready for more tomorrow when Snuggles celebrates his first birthday! Gilbert is the fourteenth of next month. I'll post the pics tomorrow!

- Hanna Y

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

~A Guinea Pig Story~

Hello, blog readers!
The Kerrys are supposed to be here any time this morning. I'm so excited! The came all the way from Montana to visit family and friends, which also includes us! They called me for my birthday on Friday (btw-thank you for the calls and birthday posts, all of them where greatly appreciated!) from PA. Brennen is bring some of his medieval books that I am dying to get so I can makes notes and stuff about armor and swords for Aradon. Lele and I can't wait to show off the pigs to them! I have a story about them, so bear with me. Anyway, we are gonna have loads of fun, watch Eragon, chill with the guineas, and I might let Brenn read some of my book...hhhmmm.

Okay - 'bout da guinea pigs. I was researching breeding and was not very happy about what I read. After breeding, boars get very dominate, and only the 'big guy' is allowed to breed. Breeding a sow will also shorten her life span to 4 years, so that was out. I asked experts questions, read blogs about breeding, copied tons of articles, and drowned myself in a guinea pig book. So guinea pig breeding is totally out of our range. Not to mention the fact that sows often die while giving birth and still births are very common.

The real thing I wanted to tell you was this: I was up about four (but not on purpose) because Gilbert and Snuggles where being very loud while chirping incessantly, chewing on bars and their castle and dumping food EVERYWHERE! You would never believe how loud guinea pigs can be, they are almost as bad as parakeets! Anyway, I could not fall back asleep until finally the noise got MUCH louder from under the blanket we drape over their cage. This actually woke Leah up and she looked at me and was like, "I think they just had a fight." So I went to go see which one had been murdered. Mind you, this is about 4:30 in the morning. I found them staring at each other and chattering their teeth. Guinea pig boars often raise their hair on their necks, sway their hips, chatter, and yawn to display their teeth when angry. The thing that really was scary was that the wooden castle had been thrown upside-down during their tiff. That was what had caused the argument. As far as we can tell, Gilbert was probably in their and would not budge until Snuggles started to push him out and they somehow tipped the thing over and went for each other in defense. So we both took our own pig and sat with them on our beds for about ten minutes until they had calmed down. But whenever we tried to get them used to each other, Snuggles would chatter again.

It ended up that we put Snuggles back in the cage and I had Gilbert in a laundry basket next to my bed for the rest of the night. We have never been up with them before and we laughed about how it was like they where real babies! *lol* They are being nice to each other again this morning with allot of coaxing and veggies. I'm gonna ask Daddy to pick up a new castle for them at lunch. The tube obviously does not satisfy their needs.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Books 'n Birthdays!

I cannot believe the snow out here! It's been snowing like it's a blizzard outside for two straight days! *ggggrrrrrrr* I guess I'll have to be pretty cold on Sunday since I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt under an open-sleeved peasant style dress! Rats...

Well, news. Sabrina and i have begun a series of children's books about a girl who experiences the daily lessons of life. We are working together; I the writer, she the illustrator. It's funny because since Lele had her tonsils out I've had tons of time to burn and used the book as something to do. Even funnier is: I'm almost done and we last met only two weeks ago! *lol* I've been sending her what I have gotten done thru regular mail. This way her computer won't get clogged up and she will have a hard copy. I am doing my darndest not to become the leader...something I struggle with sometimes. She came over to my house Sunday before last and we went to Dairy Queen right before youth group. You should have seen us trying to agree on the name of the main character and what she should look like. The name, in case you're wondering, is Aubrey Hayz. I came up with the last name and she chose the first. It was an interesting discussion to say the least! *lol* My homework (which i came up with on my own) is to start looking for possible publishers. I saw a tiny book by a company called Halo Publishers. They do little children's books, but I don't know if they publish the kind we are doing. Oh, well.

My birthday is this Friday. We are gonna have bq ribs for dinner and mashed potatoes, buttered corn, and Dr. Pepper. Because of all the tonsilectomys (I have no idea how to spell it....why can't they come up with names that us common people can at least spell?) we haven't really been able to talk about my birthday. Which is fine, I practically have it all planned anyway! *lol* The only thing is that my birthday is on a Friday, the day both parents work. We also have to go to a Good Friday service that night too. Now that I think about it, what am I gonna wear?!

I have to go figure that out, so have a good Easter everybody!

-Hanna Y

Monday, March 23, 2009

~Kawasaki Ninja 250R~

Introducing Daddy's New Bike:

- Kawasaki Ninja 250R -

Here is my totally cool dad sitting on his new motorcycle!
Thanks to Mr. Kotlar who shared his trailer, advice, gas, and time!
Woooohoooo! I Y it!!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lauren!!!!!!!

Happy 18th Birthday, Lauren!
You have blessed everyone in your path since the day God put you here - me included!
I remember when I was prayed over at church and you stepped in and added something that you where going through... Now some of that is happening to me, just like what you said.
God has obviously worked in you and the world around you knows it.
You are very blessed and much loved!
Happy birthday!
- Hanna Y

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shoes, Birthday, Tonsils, Today, Visits....Did I Miss Anything?

My birthday is coming on the tenth. I have a list of things I would like with the birthday menu for that day too. I'm also having a party! Can you believed it? Are you shocked? *lol* For those of you who don't know: I have not had a birthday party for friends since I was twelve! I'm thinking swimming at the Y with my Grandma's pass or something. Watcha think? Neither my nor I am one for sleepovers, so that is unlikely.

* * *
Leah is having her turn with the tonsillectomy. *woohoo..not* I'm looking forward to the day when I will be able to sleep soundly and, perhaps, even without earplugs. It will also be a relief not to hear loud breathing even when she is awake and for her not to quietly gasp in between mouth fulls of dinner. Don't get me wrong - I love the little peanut - but sometimes it gets very irritating.
There will be allot to go through afterwords because of the whole bruised tong thing.
There is allot of stuff that complicates her surgery in particular. Ask mom, I have no idea what it all is. lol The thingy is April 1st, so be praying then and the two weeks that follow.
* * *
Today was nice too. We left this morning at 9:40 and stopped at the library on our way to Granny's. Then we went to go shoe shopping for Easter and all of the girls (with the exception of Rilla) got matching white flats. I'm very glad to have flats that will go with everything! *lol* After Payless we headed to Chick-fil-A to have lunch and proceeded to go to Granny's house and clean. We all earned $5 from the very generous great grandmother.
* * *
The Kerrys are coming on April 15th!!!! We are thrilled with the exception that our other friends still get their time AND get to travel back with them to Montana when they leave. *ggggrrrrr* I told Mrs. Kerry that I am most offended and Brennen will get the same!
* * *
Hanna Y

Monday, March 16, 2009

Gilbert's Big Day...

Today was a big day for ten month old Gilbert. This morning at school he tasted his very first strawberry and didn't finish it (which made me a little sad). Snuggles also was given his first strawberry and didn't finish it either. I think maybe it was a teeny bit too sweet cuz they don't normally finish grapes either.

* * *

The biggie was giving them their first bath! Snuggles went first and really did not enjoy it. There was a ton of screams and laughter while he proceeded to climb out of the plastic bucket we used on the counter. The poor little guy had a pretty traumatic bath. Then it was Gilbys turn which was also interesting and a bit scary. I was nervous as I set him in the half-an-inch-deep water that had a hand towel at the bottom. He moved around a little and sniffed at the sides of the bucket... Then I started to pour little cup fulls of warm water on his poor little bald bucket. (*lol*) We are still looking for neem oil to rub into his skin; pleas let me know if anyone knows where to get it. Anyway, so we got him all wet and then lifted him out and set him on a dry towel and poured a few drops of Selsun Blue onto his back. I began to rub him all over and get the suds worked up. That was when he started to get scared. He soon was being caught on his almost successful way to freedom which would end in a long drop from the kitchen counter to the wood floor - if he got that far. We where scooting from one corner to the next trying to catch him as he scurried along the towel. It was pretty funny.

When he had been almost dried off with a microwaved hand towel, we moved into the living room where he was wrapped up in a big towel and rub carefully while we blew a warm hair dryer on him. Needless to say, he sure didn't like that either. Once he was being fed up with lettuce (his fave treat) we were able to dry him off the rest of the way. He later fell sound asleep in my arms and was obviously having dreams as he jerked from time to time and squeaked. He also woke up after dreaming for at least a half and hour and proceeded to thank me for my efforts by wetting the towel and my leg. That's when his happy big day ended and was put back in the guinea cage.

God Bless!

Hanna Y

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Good Day....

This was a good day.
Last night was restful compared to my Moms night. The last few nights have been a bit sleep deprived because of a snoring little person. I need to get new earplugs and she needs to get her tonsils & adenoids out.
I woke with perfect timing at 7:30 and actually was able to comprehend what I was pulling out of my drawers. *lol* Then I headed down stairs, took a hot shower and was ready in time for MOPS at 9:00. Just for the record I wore blue jeans, a brown shirt, a brown and creme sweater (which was considered a real bargain since it was originally $40 and I got it for $4), and my abbey clogs. I was VERY cozy!
* * *
Anyway, MOPS was good with the exception of a kid named Vince who cried every time he came into the room. Then there where two sisters, Riley and McKenna, who are very close and when McKenna hit her head on the bottom of the table cried for only a little while. However, Riley was very weepy until their mom came to get them. Then there was Ruth, who clung to me and cried whenever I put her down. I was very glad when her mom was one of the first to come and get her. I couldn't put her down to clean up and even when I sat with her still in my arms she was at it again. Fortunately, my arms are still attached to my body. *lol*
I called Mumzee (on Grandma's phone that she has lent us while they are away) and she came to get me.
I had some chocolate-banana bread cuz I was starving and completely missed lunch. Then I hung out with Gilbert, fed him some lettuce, and did some school. Then a friend of Mums came over to visit and I played a computer game.
I worked on Chapter 15 for about and hour while listening to LotR on the Mylo. That stuff always gets me pumped up and inspired.
* * *
The best part was finding out that instead of having ceaser chicken salad for dinner, Mum had decided to make meatball sandwiches! I Y that stuff! One of my fave meals actually. The first time I had it was at the CHEO retreat at the Backs house. Mmmmm!
Later Daddy took Lele for a walk and took Max with them. The doodle was so excited he was practically smiling! He doesn't get to go for walks very often, so this was a real treat for him.
* * *
Well, I'm gonna scoot, work on Chapter 15 some more and get into bed. Hope you all had a good day too!
God bless - Hanna Y

Monday, March 9, 2009

From Our Father's Heart....

Here is an email that my Mum got from Grandma a few weeks ago.

From Our Father's Heart
Why do you have preconceived notions
as to how I am going to answer your prayers?
Most of you miss many of My answers,
because you are looking for something other than what I have
provided for you.
You need to look around and try to see My answers to your requests
that may already be in your midst.
Remember, I always give Myself.
That means that my answers come in forms
that have to do with strengthening your faith
or solidifying your reserve to serve Me.
Take the time to observe the patterns of your past requests
and compare them to how they were answered.
Learn My heart.
Learn My ways.
You will be surprised at how you have missed
some wonderful answers simply because you did not recognized them.
Y - Hanna

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Sweet 16th, Sabrina!!!!

YHappy Sweet 16th Birthday, Sabrina!Y
Sabrina, I'm ssssssooooooo glad we are friends and prayer partners at youth group!
When you and your family started coming to church, I never would have guessed that we would have become such good friends. Over time, I have been able to trust in you and tell you about things I may be struggling with or problems I need solutions to. I'm so glad that I have a friend like you who I can tell things to.
You have been a tremendous blessing to me, I'm very thankful for you, Sabrina!
So happy, happy, happy sweet sixteenth, Rina!
YHave an awesome birthday! See you Sunday!Y

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Life Online - AKA: Mylo...

I am ssssoooo pumped up about this post! Wanna know why?
Because (if you remember) this last Christmas I was aloud to pick out a new Palm Pilot for a gift. Right? Okay, so we started the hunt...nothing. Could not find a thing. We started looking at Nanos, Zunes, and MP3s. None of these pricked my interest.

So, on Saturday, daddy had Presidents day off. He asked me if I wanted to go Palm shopping with him and Nathan came along. Just like before, we couldn't find a thing. We found only four Palms for sale but three where ugly as all-get-out and the fourth was not what I was looking for. For some reason, I almost got it...until daddy told me to wait and we could look online for something better.
Boy am I glad he said that and that I listened!

The very night we got home from looking, we got on the Internet. It didn't take long before we found a PDA (Personal Data Assistant) that I loved! What we found was called a Mylo, which stands for My Life Online. Sony had them in white and black and I was dying for the white version. Ever seen those phones that have the Qwerty keyboard that slides out from under the screen? That is a well-fitting description of the Mylo. We read the reviews and really liked what was said. Unfortunately, Sony was out of stock (!!!).

The next day, dad found a list of Sony Style Shop numbers and found one close to us. he called and asked the girl on the phone if they had any white Mylos in stock there. They did! They told dad that they would hold one for us until 9:00, which was closing time.
So as soon as dad got home, we sped down to Beachwood Place to a mall where a Sony Style shop was located. I told Kelsey on the phone, "It was one of those kinda places where you feel out of place in you jeans!" *lol* Anyway, we went up tons of stares that made me feel like I was gonna barf, and found the shop.
We found the guy at the desk, looked at it and eventually bought it after about an hour of playing with it.

I absolutely love it! I can get on my blog because of the Internet access that it includes, their are games that you can download off of a sight for Mylo, music, I can take videos and pics, and even email! Sweet uh?

I'll bring it to church so you can see it!
Toodles! - Hanna Y

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Nate!

Happy 12th Birthday, Nathan!
I love my bro since the day I first held him in the hospital.
We have a video of me (I was 3 at the time) and Nate just hours after he
came, and I was this brown-eyed, curly-curly haired kid, with a pillow on my lap and a blonde, chubby baby boy. My pudgy hands touched his face, his even tinier hands, his nose, his head, as I looked at him with wonder at this little boy I was told was my very own brother. In the video, I look at him squarely in the face and ask, demanding: "Do you want to be my brother?" Then I look up and say, in a loud voice with bundles of giggles: "He's my own brother!"
When he started crying in my lap, Grandma Sherry tells me that: "He'll do that sometimes..."
This sentence is followed my a very abrupt sob out of me and I hand the baby back and cry:
"Mommy! The baby is crying!"
Now, like then, I still am sad when the now tween cries. I might get terribly embarrassed or mad at the kid, but he is still my "Very own brother" and deep down I love him very much.
So, happy 12th birthday, Nate! Don't grow up too fast, Baby Bro.
-Hanna Y

Friday, February 6, 2009

Keep Praying, Pleez!

Hello again...

Keep praying for Max, if you would.
He woke up this morning, would not get get out of mom & dad's bed,
and when he did his limp was twice as bad as it was yesterday.
Mom is taking him to the vet around eleven.

Thanx - Hanna

Thursday, February 5, 2009

'Bout Max...

Yall know about the crazed golden doodle we have around here, right?
Good - well, this is just a post to ask you all to pray for the nut, cuz last night he started limping. None of us can figure out what his problem is, so if you would pray that the
limp heals up or that we will be able to fix it at a low cost.
Thanx, friendies!
-Hanna Y

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dunno What to Call This One...

Whoa! Talk about weather in the Snowbelt!
Snow has been pouring down since I got up at 7, and it's still falling.
Cozy, true, but Mum, Granny, and I where going to find kitchen stuff today while Grandma Sherry watched the kids. So instead, after looking at the weather reports, we decided it would be safer to just stay home and enjoy the white glory of winter. (Hmmmm. Good line - I could use that.) Anyway, I'm gonna write, Mummy is making chocolate chip cookies, and we are gonna read and stuff. I'm wearing the cozy red sweater that Mom gave me - even cozier!

Other than the cozy weather today, I was so excited about Drew and her mom! They are thinking about names already. Drew told me that if the baby is a boy, they are thinking about Jason, if it is a girl, they like Pheobe! Is that not the sweetest name for a little baby girl? I think so. The Maseks (who left a while ago, but I look at her blog sometimes) are expecting a baby boy soon. Talk about a baby boom, hu?

G2G - Lunch is ready!
-Hanna Y

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Super Bowl of Steelers (*gggrrrrr*)....

The Super Bowl got me yelling, can you believe it?!
The Cardinals should have won, and the Steelers should have made their way back to Pittsburgh. I felt so bad for the Cardinal guy who made that awesome touchdown and then the glory was stolen by the Steelers freak. You should have been in our living room when the Cardinals made the touchdown, we where all screaming and cheering-it was so funny! My dad was really mad at the dude who was pushing around the Cardinal guy. He kept telling us all how they should have ejected him from the field.
I was about as mad that they won as I was about Obama getting the Office. *ggggrrrrr* I'm a Republican, can you tell? Although, I will say I didn't like McCains view of stem cell research.

Enough of politics and football - who needs 'em?
I'm finishing up chapter fourteen today, and I am at a really romantic part at the moment. *Woohoo, hu?* =]

Well, I gotta scoot. Gotta keep up with the schedule...
-Hanna Y

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Random News....

A bit of random news from me.
Some good stuff some sad.
First: the sad stuff...

Nobody died, so don't freak. *lol*
I am not going to Winter Jam...or not at least with the youth group.
See, in 2007 my daddy and I went alone together as a daddy-daughter-date.
Unfortunately, we missed last year cuz we thought it was gonna be in February not January. So we basically ended up missing it. =[ We where planning on it for this year when the poster appeared at the church advertising it. Dad and I still wanted to go together with just us. So I am not going with the youth group....but you never know-we could see you guys at some point! That would be funny! *lol* Lele is going with us (only because daddy said she could) so it should be interesting. Pure NRG is supposed to go so she should like them since they are so incredibly young (too young if you ask me!).

Okay, the good news!
This might not excite you but it does me.
I am now working on the THIRTEENTH chapter of me fantasy book! My characters are getting into the hot planning and danger of the story. I am so pumped! Brennen got me the book Eragon for Christmas and it has me really inspired. He (Brennen) was raving over the story to me over the phone and I was really interested, so he sent me a copy for Christmas. I lovvvvvve it! I want to see the movie before the second comes out in spring.

I am dying to get a new laptop so I can hook it up to the printer so I don't have to copy it all down in a notebook. When I get a new one I will also have Internet so I can send the newest chapter to my editor who constantly reminds me that she needs the stuff in order to edit! *lol* Oh well. I'm gonna be saving up for it by working at a horse farm over the summer. I hope that goes well!

Have a good day, week, month, and year!
-Hanna Y

Friday, January 23, 2009

More About Liddy...

Update on Liddy for you guys:

We arrived home yesterday about 3:30 to see little sis on the couch with muver (who is terribly tired from the ordeal). All around the little squirt where flowers (from great grandma Wilson and my Dad's mom), balloons from Mrs. Haynes and my Mom, a stuffed dancing frog (yes, FROG) from Grandma Judy, a blizzard from the Kotlars (thanx Ash and family!), bazillions of cards, more ice cream, sherbet, popsicles, pudding, jello, Gatorade, and juice in the fridge. I am still trying to figure out how in the world we where able to fit all the stuff in the freezer alone! *lol*

On the way home, we stopped at Dollar General to pick up some fun stuff for her to do besides watching movies ( an trust me, we got a ton from the library!). Lele got her a Pixi World coloring book, I got her a stuffed spider monkey who, when you push the 'Try Me' botton on it, sound like it is dying from laryngitis, Rilly got Lidd a pair of My Little Ponies (complete with a brush for each). Grandma Sherry stopped at Heinens and bought her tons of pudding and junk food for her (I am trying not to be jealous).

Funny story about Heinens, by the way. Lele and I where the two who went with Grandma inside. Grandma Sherry had her Blue Tooth on her ear and while she was looking for the right king of apple sauce, Grandpa called. All of a sudden we hear: "Hello?" from Grandma. Lele and I started cracking up as Grandma started 'talking' to the apple sauce! *lol* Eventually she went to to hit the button on the earpiece and said: "I love you," to Grandpa. Funny thing is, it looked like she was saying "I love you," to the APPLE SAUCE. Lele and I where laughing again and when Grandma asked why we told her and she started laughing too! *lol* *lol*

Any way, I gotta go. I'll try and tell you more about Lidd tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Prayer Request

Hello yall!
I'm asking you all to please pray for Liddy.
As some may not know she had her tonsils and adenoids removed this morning.
She is recovering well, but in a lot of pain. She has been pampered with popsicles, frosties, flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals. I really wanna go home and be with her, but rite now my sibs & I are at my Grandma Sherrys until tomorrow afternoon.
Anyway-that is my prayer request!
Thanx guys!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!
My family and I had an awesome time last night. after mom and dad got back from the grocery store and taking someone their dinner, we all helped (with the exception of me - I was writing) make snacks. Stuff like a veggie tray, Oreos, jerkin pickles, olives, white and yellow cheese, Ritz crackers, pepperoni, and pop was all out on a card table in the corner of the living room. Then we popped in Wall-e, that we had just picked up earlier. After we watched that (at about 10), we talked about our new year resolutions. Then we went into the kitchen, prayed for the new year, and toasted with sparkling grape juice. I found out later that, no matter how much you have, that stuff always gets to my stomach! *lol* Just as a funny side note - I can remember when I was allot younger when we would toast and I felt so grown up because I thought I was having real wine! *lol* Anyway - when the little girls where in bed, Nate, Lele and I got comfy in our room and watched Prince Caspian. Lele and I where up till like 1:00! *lol*
So that was our shindig that we have here on New Years Eve. New Years Day its self is not really celebrated by us for some reason. But I hope you all have a blessed new year full of God!