Friday, December 26, 2008

My Big Present for This Year!

What a wonderful Christmas we had!
Our Christmas was out of this world!
Some of the things I got are:
New drawing supplies
Prince Caspian-Collectors Edition
Prince Caspian Illistraited Movie Companion
Goose-Necked lamp for my writing desk
Nail polish
Gift cards to Peebles and Kohl's
Petz Horse Club Computer game
That's about all of it. The BIG present I received was something I have been wanting since the beginning o fthis year. Here is how I got it. Every year, somebody gets a box inside of a box inside of a box inside of a box inside of a box inside of a box. Get the pic? Well, this year it was me! So I kept going and going (and my hands where shaking because I had the idea of what it was.). Finally I got to the very smallest box, about the size of Rilla's fist. When I opened it, there was a piece of folded up paper. When I opened the paper I read:
This is good for a date with Dad to go and get a...
Palm (Pilot).
Y-Mom and Dad
When I looked up I was so excited my eyes where watering! *lol* Then I got up and hugged Mom and Dad REALLY tight. The rest of the day walked around asking people if they could believe I was getting a new Palm. =] So now Daddy and I have to go at some point soon and pick a new one! I am so excited!
I hope you all got what you wanted too! I know Tigger did! *lol*
Hanna Y

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Hair

Christmas Eve Day!

Merry Christmas!
This is gonna be quick cuz I have to get to a hair cut in a minute.
I just wanted to let you all know we are going to Grandma Sherry's house for Christmas.
You will not be hearing from me for a week at least.
Hope you all get what you are asking for!
Merry Christmas to all!
-Hanna Y

Friday, December 19, 2008

~Update on Life~

Rilla is better! No one else got sick, thank goodness!
The only thing I hear was that Jessie and Aaron got it or something.

I am realllllyyy looking forward to Sunday! Or at least the Christmas service. We have to be to the church at 8:30 am for worship practice! Ahhhhh! I'll have to wake up at like 6:30. Help. I hope to maybe get a red shirt tomorrow or after the morning service to wear to the evening service. Then I think I'm gonna look on Google to see how to do a spiral curl style. I hope it works cuz we have a couple curlers that will do that and I luv the style!

Ashley just called me from school. She calls most Fridays when she is waiting for the bus. Today she called me cuz she was waiting for a basketball game or something. I'm so glad I don't have to do that! HOMESCHOOLING ROCKS! *lol*

My book is going good. Both of them. I am attempting o keep myself from beginning a THIRD! I keep having all these ideas I just love but I need to finish the ones I have started. Oh brother...

Gilbert and Snuggles are doing good. Gilbert is still an old hermit but I hope he will grow out of that. Lele and I want to get them a hidy hole and a couple leashes and harnesses for Christmas. It think that a fence would be better than a harness but what can we do when the fence is $20? I'll try and post pics of them soon. =]

I think I know what I'm gonna get Mummy and Dad for Christmas, but I can't tell on my blog cuz Mumzy reads me blog! =]

Merry Christmas!
-Hanna Y

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Today and Why I'm Not @ Church...

Guess whats going on at my house. Let's see. Last night was the Progressive Dinner for my youth group (a.k.a.-Generation). The dessert was at our house. We had a lot of fun, we played Five Fingers two times in a row and I was out very quickly because the boys where beating us down. Josh won though, because he got Aaron's last finger by saying: "Never have I ever worn a Quick Silver sweater." And then Aaron tried to defend himself because he didn't wanna loose.
Anyway, we all talked till like 11:30 and then people started heading home. I got in bed at 11:50. *Ouch!* That was a real blow when I woke up to Leah snoring...again. For some reason my head was messed up because I was half asleep and I thought I had been up all night when I looked at the clock and it read 4:00. So then I tried putting a pillow on Leah's head. Didn't work. So then I tried putting a pillow on my head too. Didn't work. So now I was crying. I took my little plastic box of earplugs into the bathroom and prayed that God would put me to sleep. I also stuffed in a pair of new earplugs cuz I figured the old ones where done. I got back in bed and fell asleep. Thank goodness. Now mind you, we had to be to church at nine because Mom was singing and Dad was doing sound. My alarm was set for 7:00 and I had to push snooze. So I did. Then after the snooze alarm went off I just turned the alarm off altogether. *lol* I decided I would just sleep ten more minutes. When I turned back was 8:30!!!! I only had a half an hour to get ready! For those of you who know me really well will remember that I was the girl who was in the shower when Mrs. Rogers (youth pastors wife) was yelling at me through the door that we had to leave the hotel in five minutes. Yeah. I go rushing down the stairs practically crying cuz I was low on sleep and I have done this before. When I go down stairs I loom for Mom all over the house. And Dad sees me and asks what I was looking for. Then when I figured out what me problem was he said: "Church. We are not going." What! Why not? "Rilla was sick this morning and up-chucked twice." Good grief. The kids where supposed to go to the children's Christmas party today while Mom and Dad and I went to go Christmas shopping, have lunch and see Bolt. I wanted to cry. I did for a minute. Mom and I where going to make up for Dad's birthday today because his birthday yesterday turned out to be a really lousy one. He cleaned the church for most of it. = (
So that has been today up till now. Pray for me that I will learn to be content. Because I'm not. I was really looking forward to today and now it is not happening. Mom and Dad and I haven't gone out all the three of us since the first Narnia movie came out. That was two years ago. You could pray for Rilla too. She feels nasty.
Toodles- A Trying-to-Be-Content Hanna Y

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

This is Dad & I before we left for Winter Jam in January of '07.
Happy 39th Birthday, Dad!
I love you, Pop, more than you can fathom!
Don't ever forget that.

If you remember, back in October we had a fire on the back of our garage. This was due to some warm ashes that had been dumped just the day before. When my Mom woke him a two in the morning telling him about the flames, he flew out of bed to go water it down while we all rushed to the front porch. This is a perfect example of how a father's love should be played out for his family. I am so blessed to have a dad who will risk himself for his family, no matter how scary the situation. And so everyone knows, my Dad was able to put out the flames before the firemen arrived. Thank you, Daddy! You're my hero!

-Hanna Y

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Woa! What a Week!

Woa. What a week!
The conference for Steve Demme was part of Friday and all [and I mean ALL] of Saturday. It went very well except for I had a headache on Friday'tummy hurts' on Saturday. Get my drift? And yesterday [Monday] Nate had to go for an MRI because of a really bad migraine a few weeks ago. It was so bad that he lost his vision for a seck and his hearing went funny. He said he had to sit down cuz his head hurt so bad. He is ok now, but we had to have the doc check because of some family history.

Other than that, I started a new book last month. It's about a girl named Abigail Cox who lives on a horse farm called Woody Brook Gables. She, her twin bro named Luke and her mom and dad (Gabriel Cox and Naomi Cox) live there. They do boarding, riding lessons and each have a horse of their own except for Gabriel Cox, who has a few thoroughbreds that he keeps to enter in competitions to make money. Eventually they adopt a 16 year old named Lana. I'm thinking of changing her name to Paige cuz I ave always wanted a character by that name. There is this boy named Ben Harris who thinks Abigail is all that. *lol* Basically, the story is about how Abigail hates the fact that they are gonna adopt cuz she likes her life the way it is. Lana is an angry girl because of her teen mother she never met. She sees how happy the Cox's are with their faith and decides to ask how she can have it too. Once Lana shapes up, Abigail decides her new siss isn't all that bad and they form a lasting relationship.
I might add something to the story. Dunno yet.

We just finished dinner. Salad and potato soup! One of my faves! I seemed to have burnt my poor pink tough on the first bite, so whenever I wanted water it tasted horrible cuz my tongue was all messed up.

We decorated the house yesterday. That was fun! The Christmas tree went up on Sunday night and Dad strung it with lights. Then yesterday we decorated the mantle and the banister with cinnamon stix, pine cones, bows and garland. You'll all get to see it at the progressive dinner. Which, by the way, is Dad's birthday! Yay! Be expecting a birthday blog post on the 13th!

Lele and I are thinking about Christmas gifts for Gilbert and Snuggles. We are thinking a leash and collar for them both and maybe a wooden castle. We already have a castle along with a tube. But the tube has been adorned with guinea pig tinkle and droppings so they really need another one cuz when either is in the castle nobody is in the tube. They realllllyyyy like the castle anyway. I'm thinking that is a good gift idea for them. I know, getting gifts for pets sounds stupid but we have always gotten them for Max and Mazy and now it's the pigs turn! So there! *lol*

I gotta scoot. Brennen just called.
Toodles! See you all on Saturday!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday, Rilla Anne!

Happy 5th Birthday to Rilla Anne!!!!
Rilla (Marilla Anne) is my sweet high spirited siss.
And today is her 5th birthday!
I love you, Rilla! I'm so glad that God gave you to us.
You are a blessing beyond measure.
Rilla has a loving, tender heart, a beautiful smile, a lot of energy, and a killer sense of humor. *lol*
Love you, Willy Billy!
XoXoXoXoXoX-Big Siss

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Sweet 16th Kelsey!!!!

Y ______________________________________ Y
Happy Sweet 16th Kelsey!!!!
What an awesome age to be entering!
I am so excited for you!
I'm super thankful we are friends!
I am also happy to have a friend to
relate to when it comes to writing!
What a blessing!
I hope you have the coolest sweet sixteenth on
the face of the planet!
See you tonight, girlfriend!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

~Elf Crazy~

Hello bloggers & blog readers!
Wow am I in an elvish faze! Make sure you read that right; Elvish on Elvis!
I tried to find 'Hello, friends' in elvish on a search engine that Kelsey sent me. Would you believe that they have words like 'threshold' and not 'hello' or 'greetings'? Good grief.
Anyway, I am in this faze. So badly in fact that I decided to write a whole story about an elven girl named Eruanna, my name in elvish. I am still trying to decide whether or not I am gonna write this or not. I thought about it and I think I am gonna make it so that she is a little older and an only child. Before she had two brothers. She'll fall in love with some guy or other and it'll be a romantic story.

In the book I am working on Princess Lelianna likes the stable boy Armon. They meet up again later in the story. I was coming up with the plot for that when I lost the document. Anyway, I'm on chapter 11 and still my characters haven't met! I think I'm in the chapter when Lelianna finds out about the rebellion and wants to do something about it (she is a real tom-boy).

In other news: Generation is tomorrow night. Not the worship practice, just youth group. I'm gonna wear a purple top with a yellow cammi and dark wash skinny jeans. Haven't decided on shoes. Hmmm. How 'bout black flats??? I'll figure something out.

See you all tomorrow @ church!
Eruanna (Air-oo-anna)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shopping and Stuff...

Hello again!
I wrote some more today. I got up at 7:30 this morning and the house was still asleep except for Lidd and Rilla, and when they are awake and the rest are asleep...then you might as well count on the others to be up pretty soon too! *lol*
Anyway, I took a shower, got dressed, makeuped and made my bed by 8:30. Mom was still asleep on account of her being out at a moms night out till 12:00 so I cleaned the guinea pigs's cage. Once they where taken care of I wrote a little and everyone was up at 10:00. By the way: this is classified info. Don't tell a soul we where up this late! *lol*
The day went on pretty much as it always does until Granny called and asked if Grandma Sherry, her and i could go shopping for a new coat and some other stuff. Grandma picked me up a little after 2:00 and we got Granny. Off we went to JCPenny's and Khols. Fun, fun, fun! I came home with a new South Pole jacket, skinny jeans, two shirts, a pair of the cutest comfy pants, and a sweater sort of thing that goes with the pants. I found Ashawee's sweater and I wanted it so bad, but I didn't want to copy her so I got one similar. We got home at 7:00 and then I worked on my research paper ( the darn old thing!) till 9:00. Here I am now.

I had started a character sketch yesterday, but I got tired of the new book idea and gave up on it. I feel stuck! I want something new that I can work on but can't come up with an idea that satisfies me! Grrrrrrrr!

Tomorrow an Alberta Clipper is supposed to come through, so maybe that'll give me some cozy inspiration.

Hanna Y
P.S.-Notice the totally cute cursor I got a couple days ago!
Isn't it just the cutest thing???
I love it!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy B-day Ashley!

Hello, peeps!
Ok, hold on because I promised this to someone:
You are a totally awesome girl to hang with and
be friends with! I reallllyyyy hope we will grow closer! Just think: You could be driving in a YEAR!
LUCKY! I still have two years to go! *lol*
Ashley's birthday is November eleventh, but I sorta didn't know that till the thirteenth! *lol*
There ya go! Ashley is fifteen! Yay! *lol* This is gonna be a quick post cuz lunch is almost ready. Gilbert is fine...happy I think. We are gonna get their nails clipped after Thanksgiving. Thank goodness I don't have to go to my Comp Class next Friday! I'll be sleeping still at nine. *lol*
My book is at least still existent. Except for the missing FIVE PAGE plot I have been working on, all seems in tact. My characters are still not on their quest and I am on chapter thirteen. I keep thinking of this other idea I have for another book and I keep wanting to give up on the one I am working. Only thing is I feel attached to my characters, so I can't just ditch them all. Oh, well.
Kelsey (nicknamed Chelsey at youth group) called on Saturday and again today cuz I failed to call because of the crazy weekend. We talked mostly about our books and discovered the fact that we both had the name Gwendoline and we both thought we had made it up! *lol*
Gotta scoot-I have a ruff-draft of a five page report due tomorrow. Pray for me!
Hanna Y

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaack!!!!

Hello everybody! I'm back after three weeks of no posting! Sorry, it has truly been a busy life out here! No, seriously. If you lived here you would know.

The back of the garage is still black from last month, but fortunately insurance was able to cover it. Now we are just trying to find somone willing to fix it without charging us an arm, leg, and liver. *lol*

Thanksgiving is coming to soon, although I love the holiday. I'm simply not ready for snow, cold, car sickness (I get car sick alot easier when it is cold out), and long sleeved clothes.

ATF was totally awesome! I liked it this year alot better than last year. We all slept at the church and had an absolute blast. My Dad was one of the chaperons so we took out out-of-this-world Excursion. We had ssssssssooooooooooo much fun, I felt kinda bad for Dad cuz he got stuck with a bunch of girlz including me. We talked the whole way to Cleveland with The Rubyz blaring over the sound system. Haha! Dad was SO good about it! *lol*

I finally got my desk set up in the hallway that leads to Lele's and my bedroom. It's not really a hallway, more like a long room with a door the the main hallway. Anyway, I have my VW bug (pink, of course), a fuzzy purple picture frame, and a pink diamond studded picture frame all set on the desk. My laptop I got from my grandma is on it too. I decided to save up for one of the cute little white laptops from Apple that they have at Sam's Club. The one I have now is kinda old, without Internet, but still serves the purpose. The purpose is to have my story all on one laptop that I can have access to even when a parent or sib is on the family laptop down stairs. Oh, well. It helps.

Oh, I am sooooo exited about Christmas!!!!! I already have a list of things I want.

Light washed skinny jeans
Ugg boots (they are terribly expensive so I'm not counting on it)
A new Palm Pilot with a keypad, music and Windows Mobile
A couple gift cards
*Prince Caspian Movie*
A goose-necked lamp for my desk
digital camera (a want, but a most likely NOT)
There are other things too, but that is all for now. I'm definitely asking for the jeans, lamp, Palm, and Prince Caspian. I swear, I'll marry Ben Barnes! *lol* *lol*
I have 2 go! I'm gonna try to finish up the plot for the rest of my book, which so far is three pages long. Sorry I won't be at youth group! I'll be there next week for worship practice though!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

...Saved By God at 2 AM...

At two-something I awake to hear loud talking and people running around in our house. Less than a few seconds later Leah runs down our hallway saying almost in tears: "Hanna (gasp) Mom says there is a (gasp) guy in the back yard shining a (gasp) green light on the house!" That jerked me out of my groggy sleep and got me taring myself out from under the covers. I grabbed a sweater (I was wearing a tank and shorts) and ran down the hallway, Leah running behind me. When we got to the bottom of the stairs and Mom, Nathan, Lydia, where crowded around Mom and the foot of the stairs almost crying. All I could say was: "What is going on?!" Contrary to what Leah had told me, Mom said: "There is a fire in the back yard. Get out front and don't come back in till I tell you to!" Right about then I got so scared that I partially broke down and cried. Pictures of black, half standing houses from the news flooded my mind. Then, everyone all began a chorus of: "I have to get Kitty (Leah's stuffed cat)!" or "I have to go get the guinea pigs, Mom!" And we even got a: "MY BARBIES!!!" Other than that Lydia told us later that she had been crying: "Jesus, help us!" all the way down the stairs. We piled out onto the porch and stood shivering and crying. Some of us anyway. Every one periodically would say: "I'm so skared." We all where about to pray for Daddy's protection (he was trying the to hose down the flames wile all this was going on), for the house and that everything would be alright. But before we even said 'Dear, God.' two police cars pulled up to the side of the road. Following them came a HUGE fire truck and right behind that came an ambulance. Thank God no one needed it! The police where already talking to Mom when the firemen where heading to the back to see how Dad was fairing. I don't think I have ever been so relieved to see any guy not related to me come to the rescue. After Dad had the fire out the firemen helped Dad pull off the burnt siding in the back (I'll explain that later) and then they checked for heat and smoke with this awesome video recorder looking thingy. Then two firemen proceeded to clomp upstairs and look around in our room and the crawl space. There was smoke in the attic so they wanted us to keep the door open. There was allot of talking and looking around and then they slowly moved out and went back to the station in town. Here are a few pics from last night and today.

Nathan, Me, Rilla, Lydia, and Leah on the front porch around 3:30am.

A view of the damage and all the siding pulled off last night.

More of the back. You can see how high the smoke and flames got.
That is the very same wall that our beds are up against.

Our melted garbage can (the fire started in there, more on that tomorrow).
The story is to long for me to finish now. But I need to make a few acknowledgements before I close.
Fist and foremost to God.
You are my Savior, the one who took care of us when we where in danger. You kept my Dad safe and gave him the quick thinking he needed in the moment.
I love You.
Second, I need to thank Daddy.
Thank you for putting out the fire, and saving us all. I'm so glad I have a dad who knows what to do and has the courage to do it.
Your my hero.
Thirdly, to Mom and for telling us what to do. Thanks for keeping your head on and for calling 911 before you came and got us.
Love you, Moomy. =]
Fourth, thanks to the firemen who came, did your job and kept your head on too.
You probably won't see this but I figured I couldn't not say anything.
Lastly, Thanks to my sibs who did their best not to cry and obeyed right away!
Love you guys!!!
Ok, I gotta get out of here. I'll finish up the story tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!
Sorry it has been so long. Busy life since we got back.
The T's from Pearls where here about two hours ago. We had allot of fun and Serena and I finally swapped emails. Gilbert is now the little angel I always wanted him to be. The cure: forced, continual holding and lots of veggies! *lol*

I am gonna be posting a count down thingy on here soon. Guess why...

Oh my gosh! I am so exited! I will admit I am a little unprepared this year. I don't have my outfit out yet. For those of you who remember: I was the girl who had her entire wardrobe picked a month before ATF. The youth group is going to a football game the week before so I am trying to put together a girlz night out for the girlz of the yg. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for an answer from some people and that will depend on whether I will be able to post a notice on the youth groups blog or not.
Speaking of youth group- I AM SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO NERVOUS!!!!!!
This coming Sunday Generation is supposed to get together to have our first worship practice. I'm singing. I'm gonna barf. Or I will at least start crying out of sheer nervousness right before. I am hoping nobody will want me to sing solo. I would rather sing with other people. And I don't wanna hear myself either. Apparently Mr.R (youth leader) thinks that one day when we are good enough we aught lead worship. And because of that me Mom wants me to get used to the feeling by actually singing with her on the worship team on Sunday. I say no and she hasn't mentioned it since then.
Oh, I finally got those shoes I've been wanting. Apparently they are called 'Vintage' or something. Anyway, I luv em. They are denim and lavender and purple and stuff. Sweet.
I also found this new band called The Rubyz. They are really good! I got their CD and I'm gonna put em on my Palm when I hopefully get a new one for Christmas. I want one with Windows Mobile, a key pad, music, and I'd like it to be a color. Green, blue, purple, or hot pink would be sweet. I've really been missing my old one. Especially when we go on road trips or something. *Boohoo*
One more thing before I go.
My book is moving along slowly but surely. I had no idea before I started writing that it took so long. I'm on chapter eleven. I'm thinking of changing Daronds name to Armon. What do you think? I like Armon better and that's why I wanna use it. Oh, well.
Hu. I have a ton to do. I need to finish literature, clean the cage and write before the end of the day.
Toodles, girlfriends!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gilbys New Hidy Hole

I have to post a quick one now cuz I have homework due today and i still have to type it up and send it off. So far I have all A's! Yay!
Gilby and Snuggles are doing good. It has been a week since....*thinking*....Saturday.
Those of you who have seen them know that there is only one hidy hole in the entire cage. A green tube that Glibert has pretty much eaten the paper within an inch of its life.
Anyway, the tube has sort of been taken over by Snuggles. So poor Gilbert had no place to go. Until Dad came home with a really nice wooden box with an arched door and round window. Gilbert was the first to get in and SLEEP in it! I came up to refill their water bottle and we was sound asleep until I unhooked the bottle from the cage bar.
It was adorable. So now they are across the street nabours and they each have their own little house.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

'Our Little Babies' Have Arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello to everyone!

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted, life has gotten busy of late. Yes, the pigs arrived safely!!!! *smiles*

We went to go get them about 10 on Saturday and our friends put each at a time in a box. We drove all the way home listening to them make guinea pig sounds and the whole time poor Lele is trying to keep the boxes lid on cuz they where moving alot! Any way, we got home and made the grand home coming with everyone standing around and opened the box slowly to add to the moment. lol They got a chorus of "Oooo's" and "Ahhhh's", and then we took them up and introduced them to our room and their new cage. They smelled the green tube, the stuffed bear, the water bottle, the bowl and food, the alfalfa hay ,the bars, and all together everything. After we had watched them within an inch of their lives we moved out and got in some jammy pants (or at least Lele and I did, but hey it was raining all day! lol). Leah and I came back every hour to check on them and they did great all day long. The funny part was when Max met them...a whole day later! Almost. We decided to see how he did that night but we held onto his choke collar wile he sniffed and wined and so on and so forth. We got a kick out of that! =-]

I when to a while without holding mine cuz he was so squirmish...and their claws are SHARP! Yow! I still have a cut from Thursday. I also let him go nameless cuz I still wasn't settled on a name yet. But I finally settled on a name for him on Saturday night. This may seem odd, and I thought it was too considering I never even would have thought about it. So I was watching him and suddenly I thought of the name Gilbert. Yes, Gilbert. He actually looks like a Gilbert now too! So sometimes I call him Gilbi for for short.

Happy thing is you will all get to see them tomorrow night! So I don't have to post pics!
But I will anyway just for you and the suspense I am so sure I have built inside you! =-] So here they are: 'Our Little Babies' we like to call them.

Introducing: Gilbert (mine) and Snuggles (Lele's).......

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Shorty...

Just a short post cuz I have tons to do!
Ok, Lele, Mummy and I just got home from the pet store and we are about to set the cage up. I have to move my butt cuz the barn is clean but now i have ta move it to the basement. Problem: NO ROOM!
Oh brother.
Post pics in a bit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 and other things....

I'm baaaaack!
Hey, 'Brina'!
Yeah. Not only are we gonna have marsh mellows but we are gonna have s'mores!
We will provide all that though. KK?

I went to MOPS this morning and I was in the nursery.
They aren't really baby baby's but they rang from nursing baby's to walkers.
I love being with them. But every month there is someone who wants to be held and will cry if I put them down. My arms feel like they are gonna fall off when that happens! lol

I woke up yesterday morning with a soar throat and a head ache. By the end of the day I was running a fever and my skin hurt. I was pretty miserable. But this morning I felt better so I went to MOPS. And guess what. Now my throat hurts again. *gggrrr*

No, I never did clear out the barn today. I will tomorrow though wile the cage is drying.

Oh, next post I'll have to tell you all about our mouse adventure! Fortunately it was not in the house. But I have ta go. I smell french toast and bacon cooking!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Raving About 'Em "Pigs"!!!!

Hello everybody!
Still haven't gotten the guiny pigs yet.
We are gonna go pick em' up on Saturday morning.
Tomorrow after I get home from MOPS (no I'm not part of it, I just babysit =])I'm gonna be moving the barn to the basement. We won't have any room otherwise so the barn is out at last! I love the barn, but I'm getting older and I never play with it any more.
Anyway, on Thursday Lele and I are gonna clean out the cage we are borrowing cuz it's a mess and it needs to be hosed down really bad. And then (this is the part Lele and I are looking foreword to the most in means of getting ready for them) on Friday evening Mom, Lele and I are going to PetsMart to buy all the little guys are gonna need. Bedding, food, water bottles, food bowls, stuffed animals, hidey holes, toys, the works! =] I even have an outfit picked out for Saturday! (?!)
I'll be getting my paycheck this Friday too so I'm gonna cross fingers and hope to get this cute shirt at Fashion Bug. I'm gonna wear the same thing on Sunday to Youth Group.
Hey- It's at our house and we are gonna do it around the fire pit so dress like it!
You'll all get to see them too!
Don't have a name picked out yet. I'm gonna look on the Internet and see if there is a sight with names cuz I'm stumped!

Just an update: I'm sssssssoooooooooooo happy cuz I'm starting chapter 11 soon! yay! (If you're a writer you'll understand. =])


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Big News and Big Responsibility

Hi bloggers & blog readers!
I have been dying to let out info to you all since Thursday, so here I go.
I don't know who knows that Lele and I have been praying and asking for a guiny pig each for almost the last year. Dad was not so keen on it but Mom was all game.
So on Thursday Mom and I are going to the Library and Beans, ok? All the kids where with my Dads mom for the whole day, So my Mom and I where gonna go spend the day together. Any way, on the way there she says: "Well, I have a little surprise for you."
I just kinda looked at her and smiled. I had no idea what it could possibly be.
And she says: "I have two little pets on hold from Mrs. C." (This 'Mrs.C 'nobody knows unless you go for assessments from her.)
I looked at her like she had grown two heads and a third eyeball and everything else unnatural. Obviously she knew that look because she started to laugh really hard.
She told me about a cage from someone at our church we where gonna borrow until we could get our own. By this time I started to wiggle and laugh and I even got teary eyed.
The mix of emotions was so thick I had a hard time concentrating. So I don't remember all that she told me. "There are only two little boys left from the litter. I know you wanted girls but it's a start. They are a few weeks old by now."

All the rest of the day that was all I could talk and think about. Literally. Just ask my Mom. We talked about the care of them at Beans, we talked about rules at the Library and I couldn't restrain myself from telling the mother of one of my friends who is a librarian too. I was so happy! But this morning I told my Mom that I was: "Being tortured like a kid who's favorite candy was being held right in front of her face but was held back from eating it."

And just about a half an hour ago Lele was told about them too. She started to cry and laugh and jump up and down (hey, I would have if I could but I was in a car!). We told Nate and the little girls and they started to jump like us.

We don't have them yet but we will be next Saturday.
The highest ratings on names (between Lele and I at least) are Pippin and Frodo.
Mime would be Pippin, but we are not sure yet.
I'll post TONS of pics when they arrive!
Love you all!
P.S.-Pleas pray for them to be kept save while we wait to go get them!
Tomorrow Leah and I will be working to get the borrowed cage clean
After the youth group outing. See you then! =]

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hello, guys!
Ever had a big need, prayed about it and then it happened?
That's what happened to us on Thursday.
Nathan has been needing a full scale, with weighted keys and peddles piano.
So we have been praying for it for a long time.
Well on Thursday a white suburban pulls into our drive way and a big bald guy gets out. Mom answered the door and he askes: "Is this the G residence?" (Mind you, he didn't actually say "G", He said our last name. But you can't put your full name on an open blog)
Mom: "It is."
Guy: "Well, I have a delivery for you then."
Mom: "What is it?"
Guy: "Well you will just have to wait and see."
So he goes to his truck and starts pulling out pieces of a piano out.
The bench the top and the whole shebang.
Guy: "So where do you want it?"
Mom: "Well, believe it or not, I've actually cleared out a place for it.
So I suppose we can just put it in the school room."
The dude brings in the pieces and puts together (get this) a full scale, with weighted keys and peddles Roland keyboard with a dark wood case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the guy set it all up he says: "Well I'm not gonna leave till I hear him play it."
So Nathan sat down and plays a whole bunch of songs from his book and finishes off with Fur Elise (witch I am proud to note he taught himself how to play).
When he man was about to leave Mom asked him who it was from, he said:
"Can't say. A lady told me to bring it over here and payed me to do it. So, you'll just have to call who ever you think it is." He smiled and left. Just ike that. Weird.
So Mom calls her friend and she said it was not her piano and she did not know anything about it! So, we have a piano that came from God!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm gonna miss them...alot.

So can you believe it?
I'm alive & breathing! Hope you're not to disappointed...=]
Anyway: The reason I have not been blogging for the past (*think,think,think*) few weeks is because the K's have been visiting from Montana. They got here this last Sunday and stayed till Tuesday. Then they left for two days and and came back on Saturday. They left about an hour and a half ago. *boohoo* We will not see them for another year... Bren will be thirteen, Josh-Man will be...I think either ten or eleven and my best guess is that Siss will be nine. (Bren-Brennen, Josh-Man other wise known as Joshua, Siss-Sierra). I'm really gonna miss them.
I'm gonna save up and get Bren either the Caspian Nintendo DS game or a book in the series Dragons Among Us for his birthday. I'm sssssssssooooooooooo sad because we will not be able to be around when he turns thirteen. Mrs.K actually traveled all the way from Grove City, PA to my Grandma's house in Concord for my surprise birthday when I turned thirteen in 2007.

Yesterday after church we hung out at the house and then Dad took me, Brennen, Josh, Lele and Nate to see the movie Clone Wars at the drive-in. It was ssssssssssssooooooooooooo much fun!!! And now we have lots of memories to share along with the ones we have from Cabela's and going to Faith Mountain in West Virginia together and when a certain someone wet his pants because he was laughing so hard and the ones we have from talking on the phone for 4 hours after we found out they where moving.

I gotta stop or I'm gonna cry.
Have a nice day, everybody! =]

Thursday, August 7, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YYYYHappy 14th Bithday,Hannah!YYYY
I am so glad we are friends!
The times we have spent together at your house or mine where lots of fun and I look forward to all the rest. Thanks for being my friend and for making me feel ok when I was having a bad day or something had happened that made my cry.
Love you-Hanna Y

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Sadingly- Shorter -Than- Most Post....

Very short post today cuz I don't feel like typing but I know I have to put up something.
Lets see... Yesterday we went to the O'Bs and swam in their neighbors really nice, really clean and overly chlorinated pool. It had so much chlorine in it that it made the water taste funny. Yuck! I was dunked by Duncan and I could have killed him. (not really! lol)
Then after we had had a cookout with them we headed home at 9:30.
I got up at 11 and was ready for the day at 1:30. I know...sad!
So that was my sadingly short post.
Hanna Y

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Out Comings Of Monday And Other Things...

You know what was so irritating? Nothing happened!
No one needed prayer, no was saved and they didn't meet anybody who needed them!
So we are all thinking that we where have patients issues and God decided this was the perfect way to put it in our faces. They did however get back on Monday. Yay! And so Pop and I went to the airport to pick them up. Their flight came at 8:45pm. We ended up (Dad and I that is) coming home at 11:30 because Grandpa's luggage was missing as well as the duffel bag and we kept waiting to see if it had come in at the same baggage claime but on a different Delta flight. So we got them home safely and I got to watch as a far away thunder storm flashed lighting in the clouds, but without the thunder. Way cool! Then the next day we went to their house and everyone was there exept for Granny and Pop. We stayed the whole day and ate lunch and dinner with them. Then Pop showed up for dinner as well as Granny, and we left around 8:30.

The K's are coming next month. We have a private blog that we share with them. So every once and a while they will get on and post or one of us will. Yesterday I logged on and posted something to Brennen. He left a message on the phone yesterday cause he wanted to talk to one/all of us. And, oh my gosh, he sounded ssssssssssoooooooooooo much older!!! His voice has gotten really deep! He's turning thirteen October 9th so I'm planning on trying to get something for him. Yeah, I know what your thinking: don't think it cause it's not true! lol

KK, g2g cause I have a ton of work to do on my book and other stuff.

Toodles 2 All!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Planes, Atlanta, and Gods Plan....

Air flights. Gotta love 'em.
Maybe I shouldn't say that since I am preaching what I don't even follow. Yeah, I hate flights. Or at least I hate the flights that are canceled over and over and over and over again, and no one, who is supposed to be on that flight, is even told why.
I am saying this because Grandpa and Grandma Sherry where supposed to be on there way home at 10:42 this morning. Now (if all goes well) they will be home at 8:00pm. We had all planed to go to their house YESTERDAY and have a cookout and spend time with them until we got a call from Grandpa that their flight would be canceled until tomorrow (today). Then today we got a second call from him that they would be leaving at 8:45 and landing in Cleavland at 10:45. And again we got third a call that the flight for 8:45 was canceled and they would now be leaving at 11:00 and landing at 12:00. Didn't happen. Then we learned by Mrs. Regina C that the flight had been canceled indefinitely! Good Grief! Now I felt like crying. I almost did but restrained myself. So now, guess what they are gonna do. First it's all the way to Atlanta. Then from Atlanta it's gonna be another flight back here. And home. At 8:00. So at least for today there will be no cookout, no quality time with them and no going to pick them up as planned. At least not us kids. Not enough room in the van. When we had the church van we could all go, until we sold it to my Uncle Ernie's church. God is obviously not wanting us to go pick them up. And I'm not one to argue with Him. lol I keep hoping the reason for all this is to lead someone to Christ on the plan either to or from Atlanta. There is some reason why God is not allowing us to See them today. Even if we never get His plan, there must be one...some where.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just About Today.....

Hello everyone!

Today was ok. Had its downs and ups, but other than that: good.

In the morning Ashawees aunt is coming for a homeschool talk with Mummy. She is the author of the Blessed Mom to Five blog. I read it a few days ago and she had posted something one of her sons had said. You'll have to read it. It is so funny!

I'm so sorry most of you guys are not thrilled about Becoming Jane. Neither was I actually. I thought it was a little forward. I mean, there where parts I had to fast forward because of the immorality in it. On the norm It wouldn't have bothered me all that much...but this time it was about one of my fave authors. That made me sad.

Anyway, Becca: You had said something about not agreeing that 'life before marriage is all about finding a husband.' Jane Austen's books where mostly about that because of the day. Seriously; unlike us all that girls and young woman thought about (if they where a family of only daughters) was to get married and provide for the family. So it isn't that that was Jane's idea was that life should only be about finding a man, but that is was the culture. Funny thing: she never married. lol

Lets see....News Briefs for today: I am on Chapter Nine! Woohoo! I am still not to the climax! No Woohoo! My characters have no idea that they will soon be launched on a trip together, but I have figured out how Lelianna (my proudly named, auburn haired, tomboyish princess) and Darond (my terribly cute, dark, curly haired nimmon) meet up!!!! YAY! And a nimmon is...well I don't really know what but I'm figuring that out as well. lol Only problem. Darond is a nimmon, Lelianna is a human. I want them to get married. Apparently a "hunim" is in order here. lol (Don't know what the heck that is either.)

In other news: Lele got stung by a bee who was obviously offended at her stepping on him and his beloved clover today. I have no sympathy for him and you'd think I would after watching A Bee Movie. lol I also chased Max (yes the rabid looking goldendoodle in the cage) around the house after dinner with a bag of cheese and a mop bucket. Don't ask.

Other than that, nothing else happened. So, G2G! YYYYYYYY Hanna

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hello Again! Goodby Again! (I know it dosn't have anything to do with the post but nothing els came up.)

Well I know this: I obviously look 'adorable in pink'! OMG, you guys are not making this easy for me. That's ok. No it's not. lol

Last night I went to bed at 11 and was awaken (rudely I might add) by my dear father and then again by Lydia between 7 and 7:30. That was a killer.
The reason for my bedtime: Pride and Prejudice. YYY I love that series! We have the BBC version on DVD and VHS. I was watching the VHS because our tv (mine and Lele's) doesn't have a DVD player. Crud.
However! It is ssssssssssooooooooooooo better thain nothing at all. See? I really can have a good outlook on life! LOL Anyway Jeniffer Ehle plays Elizabeth and Collin Firth playes Mr Darcy. He is so good!!! I like Elizabeth too but Mr Darcy has this thing where he is very quiet and prideful and...oh never mind. I think you get the pic. I love the movie. Mind you: I like the BBC version. Not the new one. They did not do the story justice. Sorry if you like it. The only commendation I can give them is that Jane was in fact much more prettier than Elizabeth. My mom and I saw the movie Becoming Jane and it is basically about how Jane Austen 'found' herself. Does anyone remember how Lydia (Not mine, this is Elizabeth's sis) ran of with Wickham? Well Jane A. got the idea for that because of an 'almost elopement' with a young man as well. And get this: the guy who plays the young man is James McAvey! Yeah, Mr Tumnus! I was ssssssssooooo happy! And when Mom and I where watching the movie Jane Aher the little Jane is Georgie Henly!!!!!!! YES, LUCY!!!! Oh yes, I am a Narnia Geek! lol

YYYYYYYYYYY-Hanna (the Narnia Geek!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Good Church, Bad Shirt and NO PINK!!!!!

Good day at church. Really good, even though Hannah wasn't there. Everyone else was so that kinda made up for it. Notice: no text! I sort of decided to give that up since it was kinda stupid anyway.
Sooo watcha tink of the new layout??? I saw it on Pizzam! and loved it. It's so nice cause I don't have to just do pink with the font. So yeah...

News of the Week-
I am under restriction (of my own accord). Now; when I say 'restriction' I mean 'none allowed'. Now when I say 'none allowed' I mean 'no pink allowed'. And when I say 'no pink allowed' I mean: I am not allowed to buy any pink clothes for a whole year! Yay!!!! I know, I am ssssssssssooooooooooo proud of my self! lol So hopefully this will work because I do most of my shopping with my mom and she knows about this. Like when me and her went to Wal-Mart I saw this totally cut shirt I wanted to get. It was pink. And so I was given a stern "No." by sweet mummzee who knows me to well. =] So hopefully my wardrobe will consist of more than pink, pink, and more pink. Stuff like blues and gray, purple, green, yellow and orange will be added. So instead of the shirt I wanted to get I got a different one. It was a darling navy shirt. And I was gonna wear it to youth group...but I am destined to return it in a little while and get a different one. Trust me; you would have done the same with it if you where me. It fit so bad it actually made me cry! lol

In other news youth group is tonight. We are doing The Truth Project for the next few weeks. It's not really my fave but the speakers are good. What it is is basically a movie we watch and a whole bunch of different guys talk about how to know that our faith is really real. We get to sit in the sanctuary and watch it on the big screen that hangs from the wall. I am thinking about bringing my sketch pad while we watch it. It helps me to listen better and I can't sit for a long time without going nuts and wriggling in my seat to no end. lol Then we all go in the back and talk about it.

See most of you at youth group!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I am so glad we are friends despite our differences. lol
You deserve an awesome sweet sixteen, girl friend!
Turning sixteen is a cool thing even though I haven't experienced it yet.
Now that you are getting your license; don't be expecting to see anyone on the road from now on! LOL
(Beccas Birthday is July 8, 1992 )

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My 4th of July and a Few Other Things

Hello friendies and blog readers!
Here I am again after a whole week of absence. Sorry 'bout that.
Lets c...CHEO went well, tornado (ask mom or check her blog 2 c if she said anything about it) really cool people and somebodys father died. Not mine, somebodys @ CHEO.
Hope ur week has been good. I saw K.H. yesterday and Tigger @ the fireworks up @ the highscool. GOOD fireworks this year! "A whole 30 minutes of thunder." is what the announcer dude said right after an enthusiastic: "Wow." he gave. The grand finale was good. And they did the HEART!!!! It is quite obvious that is everyones fave cause after it went off all u could hear was a big: "WOOHOO!". Yes, I was one of them. lol On Friday we went 2 a friends house w/ the M.s all day. We ate alot messed around w/ the farm animals and even (accidentally) let the guard dogs out. Their names r King and Anna. I LUV THEM! Sweetest dogz besides Max & Mazy. All in all it was a good 4th of July. On the norm we have a big party @ r house but that was a no-could-do this year. It was gonna b 2 much of a risk if Max ever got out and we have a big veggi garden under way. Plus Grandma Sherry and Grandpa r in the Uk. Later we r gonna head over 2 some other peoples house 4 a cookout. I have no idea what the heck 2 wear.

Rilla woke up with a cold this morning so I stayed home from church 2 b with her.
It was so funny cause she sounded like this little kid I used 2 babysit named Trent. Her voice was all cute! lol

My book is coming along terribly slow. I'm on chapter 8 and I'm working on getting the chapters longer so it is taking me vvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy long!
Oh and I am not in a writing mood. 4 those of u who know what I mean it's like a fever. Writing fever. And then the fever brakes and no more writing comes 2 u. Don't worry. It's not contagious. LOL

Toodles 2 All!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

2day has had a down

Hello every1!
Just a short post.
2day has had a down...
I am no longer in Sunday school (and if Mr.L had not asked 4 the age limit 2 go higher than I would have been gone sooner). I am now (an have been) 14 and so am no longer a student. ={ Oh well.
We had r last pizza party 2day and I left a little early. Now I wished I had stayed. But, alas, it is to late. And every1 excepting Rosy and a friend of hers. Hannah had gone home early cause she didn't feel good, Ashley had 2 go cause her fam was doing something,and Lexi wasn't there.
Toodles 2 all: Hanna Y

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Prayer Request!

Hello everyone!
Just a quick notice 2 u all that my Mom and Dad r leaving for Columbus 2day around 12:00 2 go 2 the CHEO (Christian Home Educators of Ohio)conference. Pleas b praying consistently 4 them! They will b home this Saturday, but it is a 2 hour drive there. All 2gether they r gonna be driving there & back for 4 hours.I am really glad 4 them though b-cause there is a pool @ the hotel and Mom has been running like mad 2 get a bathing suit! lol THANX EVERYBODY!!!!


Monday, June 16, 2008

Leery Leviathan!

Hey everybody!

Once again I did not get pics! SORRY! Crab 2 my Grandma,she was in charge. Anyway;a short post 4 2day. This is my 1 hour of computer time 4 this week...yes seriously.
Hey-Has anyone seen the latest footage of the Loch Ness Monster yet???
It's on You Tub and Fox. Just last year somebody filmed it.

It is [I'll admit] a little disappointing. I was expecting something like a long neck and head coming up from the water. Nope. It was a very 'exiting' disturbance of water. Actually it is like a lllllllllllooooooooooonnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg disturbance of water. So I guess it is possible. Hey-everything is possible w/ God right? Right.

I mean; They where alive in the beginning. God did create them.
Psalm 104:26 says: See the ships sailing along,and the Leviathan,which you made to play in the sea.
So it is very possible that during the flood they survived them being a sea creature and all.
And they are alive 2day. Cool hu?
So there is my little sermon 4 the day! lol

Have a good rest of 2day and hopefully I'll c u this Sunday!